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Which part of a Cardinal's niche helps limit the size of the sunflower population in it's ecosystem?

c. Eating Seeds apex

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Takaya Valentine

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Q: How does a cardinal help increase the size of the sunflower population in its ecosystem?
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If an ecosystem has a population of six lions and 100 zebras, argue how the ecosystem will be affected by the removal of the lions?

If all six lions were to be removed from the ecosystem, it would have a significant impact on the population dynamics of the ecosystem. Without the lions, the population of zebras would likely increase, since they no longer face predation from their natural predator. This increase in the zebra population could lead to overgrazing and depletion of vegetation, which could negatively impact other herbivorous species in the ecosystem. Additionally, the absence of lions would also impact other species that depend on lions for food. For example, scavengers such as hyenas and vultures rely on lion kills for their own survival. Without the lions, these species may struggle to find enough food and could face population declines. Furthermore, the removal of the lions could also result in an increase in the population of other predators, as the lions were competing with other carnivores for prey. This could lead to a shift in the predator-prey balance in the ecosystem, potentially leading to other unintended consequences. Overall, the removal of the lions from the ecosystem would have a significant impact on the population dynamics and balance of the ecosystem. It is important to consider the potential consequences of any major changes to an ecosystem before taking action.

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Answer this question… Increased ecosystem stability

What happens when a living thing is removed from a food wed?

When a living thing is removed from a food web the population of it's predators will decrease and the population of its prey will increase, disrupting the ecosystem of the living thing.

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