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without the cell the jellyfish is dead

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Q: How does a cell help the jellyfish survive?
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What are 3 adaptations that help a jellyfish to survive?

salt water, warm weather, and food

How do you survive a box jellyfish?

Vinegar (3-10% aqueous acetic acid) may be used as a common remedy to help with box jellyfish stings.

Does the mom jellyfish teach the baby jellyfish how to survive?


What is the difference between jellyfish and coral reef?

Coral Reefs don't really move and jellyfish move around, and sting people. Coral Reefs help other thins in the sea survive, where as jellyfish don't. The jellyfish are just there.

Do jellyfish help other species survive?

no they just kill other animals in the oceans. What were you thinking about that question.

How could a jellyfish survive in the desert?

A jellyfish requires a marine environment to survive and could not live in a barren desert.

What is 1 cell that a jellyfish has?

One cell that a jellyfish has is nematocysts(stinging cells on tentacles).

Can a bluebottle jellyfish survive on land?


How does the box jellyfish survive?

The box jellyfish survives with its venomous stinging cells

How many jellyfish swim in a pond?

Usually none. Jellyfish can't survive in ponds.......

How do jellyfish survive?

Go to Wikipedia :D

Do jellyfish have a cell wall?
