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Q: How does a color Newton disc work?
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What are the colors in newton color disc?

blue red and green

Who is the responsible for the working of newton's color disc experiment?

Due to persistence of vision...

How do you make newton's disc using a motor?

make a newton disc .take a motor from a car which uses battery.take a circle cardboard and put it in the motor.connect the wires of the motor using a batteryyour newton disc is ready


A Newton disc is a disc with segments in rainbow colours. When the disc is rotated, the colors fade to white; In this way Isaac newton demonstrated that white light is a combination of the seven different colors found in a rainbow. A Newton Disc can be created by painting a disc with the seven different colors. A combination of red, green and blue in the circular disc will yield the same result. This is due to the phenomenon called persistence of vision

Who is brewster newton color theory?

The Brewster Newton color theory was created by Brewster Newton. This was an influential part of creating the different color theories that are used today.

Did newton work with Einstein?

no Newton did not work with Einstein

Does the jsrf combo disc work with the white xbox?

Its not about the color of the xbox, its the model and region of the xbox. The answer to your question however is yes.

How do you make a newton's disc with a CD?

we can make a newtons disc on cd bypasting different colored papers on the cd (vibgyor)and start rotating it

In the game Disc Battle what color are you?


Why it is important to get to know newton through his work?

Getting to know the work is important. Getting to 'know' Newton may be interesting, but the real important part is Newton's work.

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Who discovered the color of the light?

Isaac newton.