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exactly how a d note should sound on a Flute

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Q: How does a d note sound on the flute?
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How would a flute sound if it was written on paper?

The flute is a non-transposing instrument. Whatever pitch is written in the music is the note that will sound when the flute is played.

The lowest note to the highest note on flute and how do you write them?

i just know the highest note on the flute is d and to get that note u have to blow ur air high up

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The note A-natural sounds different on a tuning fork, a violin, and a flute because of the relative amplitudes of harmonics.

What does a note played on a sax sound different than the same note played on a flute?

This is kind of hard to explain, but even though the saxophone is an Eb instrument and the flute isn't, they are both treble clef instruments and therefore their notes sound the same.

How do you make a horse sound effect with a flute?

to make a horse sound effect you would talk into it while doing it up and down the scale into your flute and play this note:3rd octave bflat

What key is d on the flute?

There isn't a D key, there is different keys all pressed down to make the D key and the sound.

What is the highest note in flute?

on the C flute, the highest note is C

What sound does a recorder make?

What it is a high note With d and a low note c

Does a bassoon have a higher sound than a flute?

A bassoon has a lower sound than a flute.

How does a flute make sound?

You blow into the Flute's mouth, The sound comes out the rear end.

What is highest note a flute can play?

The highest note a modern Flute can play is a high F. It is 2 octaves higher than the F written on top line of the staff. The fingering is your 2 middle fingers down along with the D# trill key, no thumb. This note isn't usually written except in very advanced music because it requires a very strong and precise air flow to produce the sound.

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