

How does a dog gets it food?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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wll, the dog gets its fodby begging the owner

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Q: How does a dog gets it food?
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What happens to the food that a dog eats?

It gets digested.

What is the symbiosis between a person and dog?

The dog gets shelter, food and exercise from the human. The human gets companionship, exercise and 'warm fuzzies' from the dog.

Why does your dog not eat for a week?

Two reasons, one, the dog gets food someplace else or the dog is SICK.

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my dog that's a havanese gets a mouth full of her dog food and brings it to another place. she doesnt like her food.

Why can you not feed your dog food from the fridge?

you can but human food is not healthy for dogs because it is harder for them to digest thats why if your dog gets in the garbage it gets sick. dog food is made specifically for healthy digestion

Where can the most expensive dog food be purchased?

You don't have to get the most expensive dog food to ensure your dog gets the best, some cheaper brands are just as good if not better but if you really want to spend a lot on the food Petco have a list of the most expensive dog food

Can dogs eat food with palm oil?

Yes, but if the dog gets diarrhea, mix the food with the food it has been eating to wean it in on the new food.

Can bad dog food hurt a dogs hips if it has eating the bad food?

Well, if the food doesn't have much bone health in it, when the dog gets older, it could get bone problems, including in the hips. So yes, bad food can hurt a dog's hips

How does pit bull gets its food?

Pit bulldogs are a DOMESTIC dog breed. Therefore they get their food by their human owner feeding them.

At what age to give a dog his first bath?

it should be at least old enough to eat dog food and after that you can whenever it gets dirty.

When should labrador retriever start to eat adult dog food?

when it gets to the age of 1 or weighs the same as an adult dog

What country gets food poisoning most often?

China,seriously they cook with cats and dog!