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Some output signal is fed back to thee input and subtracted. This results in a much more stable reliable amplifier.

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it works when the organ and the brain work together to form a task

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Q: How does a negative feedback work?
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When the body reacts to stop or work in the opposite direction of a stimulus is it known as negative feedback or positive feedback?

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Is true of feedback?

Negative feedback mechanisms work to prevent sudden severe changes within the body.

What is an example of a negative feedback in human body?

example of negative feedback example of negative feedback

How does the negative-feedback work?

The negative feedback mechanism is important in many biological processes. The process can be shut off by the accumulation of products further along in the process.

How does a biological negative feedback loop work?

Negative Feedback: Enzyme A makes Substance A when Substance A is not available in the Diet. When Substance A becomes available in the Diet, Enzyme A is no longer required and The Negative Feedback loop shuts down the production of Enzyme A.

What is the difference between feedback negative feedback a negative feedback response a negative feedback mechanism and a negative feed back loop?

in negative feedback. when an enzyme (negative feed back mechanism) produces too much of a molecule or substance that substance binds to the enzymes allosteric site to hault production of that substance (negative feedback response). and the whole process is the negative feedback loop.

What is an example of construction feedback?

If your boss told you that you are a lazy person, that is not constructive feedback. Its negative feedback. If they however told you that you need to put more effort into your work by, say, come to work earlier, that would be constructive feedback.

How does the negative-feedback mechanism work?

The negative feedback mechanism is important in many biological processes. The process can be shut off by the accumulation of products further along in the process.

Is an amplifier a negative feedback?

Yes, Amplifire have negative feedback.

What is example of constructive feedback?

If your boss told you that you are a lazy person, that is not constructive feedback. Its negative feedback. If they however told you that you need to put more effort into your work by, say, come to work earlier, that would be constructive feedback.

Is blood pressure negative or positive feedback?

Is the clotting of blood an example of positive or negative feedback?