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Well i don't know but my book says it warms the air.HOPE IT RIGHT. :)

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Q: How does a flash of lightning affect the air around it?
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Why does thunder usually occur during storms that have lightning flashes?

Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds separate, causing lightning to flash towards Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes the noise we know as thunder.

What is the sound following a flash of lightning?

This is called thunder, and results from a rapidly expanding pressure wave, as a narrow column of air is heated to thousands of degrees by the lightning's electrical energy.

Why does lightning cause thunder?

Lightning is an electric discharge from the cloud to ground (although you can have other types, such as cloud to cloud). When the lightning strikes it heats up the surrounding air so fast that it causes an explosion, which is heard as thunder.

What is the flash in lightning?

Lightning is a high current discharge where electrons are passed through the air to neutralize a charge imbalance between Earth's surface and clouds above. The electrons superheat and ionize the air, which makes more electrons available to carry current. The flash occurs when those electrons start dropping back into their ground state orbitals, as the ionized plasma disspiates energy as light, and cools to a gas. when particles in clouds rub together it generates electricity.this is atracted to the ground and leaps between the two. the answer is lightning.

Is lightning faster than wind?

Lightning (an electrical discharge) always travels faster than the speed of sound. Lightning moves at thousands of miles per second through the air. The energy heats the air, to many thousands of degrees in temperature, and the rapid expansion of the air creates sound waves, called thunder. These sound waves travel through the air at about 1/5 of a mile per second, so that at any distance away from a lightning strike, the flash is seen before the thunder is heard.

Related questions

How does a flash of lighting affect the air around it?

a. it gives the air a positive charge b.its gives the air a negative charge cools the air warms the air

The clap of a thunder was heard 4 seconds after the flash of lightning was seen If the air temperature was 28 degree celsius how far was the lightning?

the lightning was 0.8 miles away.

How is thunder produced and how far away does the lightning strikes if the thunder is heard 15 seconds after the lightning is seen?

Thunder - is the result of a lightning flash. The flash causes the surrounding air to move away from the source at 300 metres/second. An approximate calculation for the relationship between the lightning flash to hearing the thunder, is 5 seconds per mile.

How can heat be produced by bolt lighting?

a flash can heat the air around it to temperatures five times hotter than the sun's surface. This heat causes surrounding air to rapidly expand and vibrate, which creates the pealing thunder we hear a short time after seeing a lightning flash

Does thunder cause lightning or does lightning cause thunder. Explain?

Lightning causes thunder. Lightning is a massive electrical discharge that you see as a bolt or flash of light. Thunder is the sound caused when the lightning superheats the air, creating a shockwave.

Why does thunder usually occur during storms that have lightning?

Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds separate, causing lightning to flash towards Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes the noise we know as thunder.

Why does thunder usually occur during storms that have lightning flashes?

Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds separate, causing lightning to flash towards Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes the noise we know as thunder.

How does lightning affect the air pressure around it?

It can make it more or less depending on the situation it can make it a min. of 0.5 bar and max. of 2.01 bar

How does the weather lightning and thunder make a sound?

In simplest terms, lightning is a giant electrical spark ... an extremely hot spark that can reach up to 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit (~30,000 degrees Celsius), which is substantially hotter than the air that is around the lightning. So, when the lightning bolt "hits" the air around it, an explosion of temperature causes an audible shockwave that we call thunder.

What is the sound following a flash of lightning?

This is called thunder, and results from a rapidly expanding pressure wave, as a narrow column of air is heated to thousands of degrees by the lightning's electrical energy.

Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by?

Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by the discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere, typically in thunderstorms. It occurs when positive and negative charges separate in a cloud, creating an electric field strong enough to overcome the insulating properties of the air. The rapid movement of these charges results in a sudden release of energy in the form of a lightning bolt.

Why is lightning accopaied by thunder?

Lightning is an electrical discharge through air. This discharge causes the air around the lightning bolt to violently heat (hotter than the suface of the sun) and expand; the air then quickly cools and contracts. This causes the audible crack or rumble of thunder (depending on your distance from the lightning).