

How does a frog swallow?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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A frog has two eye bulges in the roof of its mouth. When it catches prey with its tongue, it forces its eyes down and the bulges move to help move the prey to the back of the throat so it can be swallowed. Also when a frog throws up, it throws up its stomach and uses his forepaws to squeeze the content out of it, whereafter it swallows its stomach back in.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The eye presses against the roof of the mouth when it blinks. This pushes the food into the body.

this sounds gross doesn't it

i think i does

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If a frog struck a really large prey item, it could suffocate, because all frogs swallow their prey whole.

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All frogs swalluw their prey whole, they will kill it by crushing it between the jaws but frogs do not reduce the size by this and so swallow their prey whole.

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the frog has small teeth along the top and bottom. it has a major tooth in the middle. this tooth prevents food from escaping the mouth. frogs usually swallow food whole.

How does a frog takes in food?

The same as most living creatures. They eat it through their mouths, granted they mostly swallow their food almost whole.

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The only thing that stands a ghost of a chance at catching a swallow would be a falcon, and then only on a stealth attack.

What is the advantage of frogs having protruding eyes?

According to biologists, the protruding eyes of a frog help it to see all of its surrounding day and night. In addition, the eyes are water resistant and the frogs are able to rotate their eyes because they are unable to turn their heads around when detecting approaching predators.