

How does a golden eagle locate food?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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A golden eagle has great vision and can see at a great distance during the day.

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Q: How does a golden eagle locate food?
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By given its food and protecting it

What is a golden eagles food chain?

Hares, rabbits, marmots, squirrels and prairie dogs are the main sources of food for the golden eagle.

How does a golden eagle get its food?

Golden eagles are birds of prey. They soar at great heights, using their extremely good sense of long distance vision to locate prey such as small mammals. Then they swoop down and dispatch prey with their talons. Golden eagles are large enough they can even kill deer foals!

Why is the golden eagle endangered?

The golden eagle, Aquila Chrysaetos, is not an endangered species.

How does an eagle hunt for food?

The golden eagle hunts it food by soaring over it and watching for it. They have very good eyesight. The Golden Eagle hunts its larger prey (deer,goats etc.) by grabbing them with their talons and dragging them off a cliff and dropping them.

What is bigger an American eagle or a golden eagle?

well being that there is no such thing as an American eagle, i would have to say the golden eagle. If u mean the bald eagle as the American eagle then the golden eagle is still bigger

Is the golden eagle in dangered?

The golden eagle is not an endangered species.

Where is the golden eagle in the food chain?

in the middle

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Who is stronger the golden eagle or Philippine eagle?

I now the answer is golden eagle con t beat the philippine eagle answer philippine eagle

Is a golden eagle a bold eagle?

A bald Eagle? No The Golden Eagle is a separate species of Eagle than the Bald Eagle. Perhaps you are confused by the maturing age of a Bald Eagle when it grows from a chick to an adult. It looks quite similar to a Golden Eagle.

Can a golden eagle see in the dark?

the golden eagle can see in the dark