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A golden eagle has a couple of different defense mechanisms that can be used to protect itself. It can use its claws and beak for defense, as well as its wings to fly away.

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14y ago

The golden eagle protects itself by it's claws and wings, beak.

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11y ago

they peck

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Q: How does a golden eagle protect itself from predators?
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Who is eagle's predators?

Golden eagle's predators are mountain lions and leopards. Bald eagle's predators are mountain lions and alligators. Harpy eagle's predators are jaguars, mountain lions, tree pythons, and boa constrictors. Philippine eagle's predators are pythons.

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Who is the eagles predator?

Golden eagle's predators are mountain lions and leopards. Bald eagle's predators are mountain lions and alligators. Harpy eagle's predators are jaguars, mountain lions, tree pythons, and boa constrictors. Philippine eagle's predators are pythons.

Does the golden eagle protect its territory?

no it doesn't.

What eats a golden eagle?

Mainly large rodents, but occasionally will kill deer fawns, or lambs.

What is are the predators of an eagle?

predators of an eagle are humans.

Why is the golden eagle endangered?

The golden eagle, Aquila Chrysaetos, is not an endangered species.

Do Golden eagle have predators?

Man is their only predetor. Of course destroying their habitat also kills them. Hope this helps. :) Jimmy T

What is a screech owls predators?

Raccoons, snakes, weasels, hawks, and owls up to the size of golden eagles and northern eagle-owls are reported predators of screech-owls (Otus asio).

Is the golden eagle in dangered?

The golden eagle is not an endangered species.