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Like a low whistle, very human sounding and very cary when you hear it in the middle of the night and see noone anywhere near you. Search YouTube for a video about "Howling mouse" and you can hear it for yourself

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Q: How does a grasshopper mouse sound when it's howling?
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How does an Englishman spell a howling sound?

A howling sound

Is the southern grasshopper mouse endangered?

Yes the grasshopper mouse is endangered

What sound do dingo make?

A howling sound

What animal eat scorpions?

Natural predators of the scorpion are bird, lizard, Spiders, grasshopper mouse, and Meerkats. The grasshopper mouse is resistant to the insectâ??s venomous sting. There is a endless list of animals.

What sound grasshopper make?

chirping sound

How much pesticide will each take in compared to each grasshopper?

There is no testing that has been done recording the amount of pesticide a mouse will take to kill compared to a grasshopper. The amount of pesticide that it would take would depend on the size of the grasshopper, and the size of the mouse.

How a food chain works with an eagle a mouse a flower a snake and a grasshopper?

the grasshopper eats the flower the mouse eats the grasshopper the snake eats the mouse the eagle eats the snake then the eagle dies it will fall down :) compose and this will be the food for the flower

What sound do grasshopper make?

chirping sound

How much pesticide will each snake take compared to each grasshopper?

There is no testing that has been done recording the amount of pesticide a mouse will take to kill compared to a grasshopper. The amount of pesticide that it would take would depend on the size of the grasshopper, and the size of the mouse.

What was the instrument they used to make that howling sound in the mask of Zorro?

You may be referring to the sound of a Shakuhachi.

What is the name of the sound wind makes called?

The sound of wind is commonly referred to as "whistling" or "howling."

Does a mouse eat a grasshopper?

It eats insects and small animals.