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First, they have the legal authority to enter such judgments. Second, a court can issue a notice of a hearing to compel you to appear in court. If you don't it can issue a warrant for your arrest. Third, a judge can and will enter that judgment against you if you are not paying your child support on time.

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Q: How does a judge find you in contempt for not paying child support?
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How much jail time for not paying child support?

Up to the judge. Technically, it is contempt of court.

The father was held in civil contempt for not paying child support but the mother never received a judge's order what can she do?

The order goes to child support enforcement to persecute.

What is the average length of time in jail for not paying child support for 6 months in Ohio?

You don't go to jail for non-payment of child support. It's for contempt of court, so it's up to the judge.

In Alabama how do you make a father pay his child support when he keeps quitting his jobs so he doesn't have to pay?

You haul this deadbeat into court and the judge will order him to do whatever it takes to make good on his debt. He is already in contempt of court for not paying child support ... all the non-payments are added to the total "bill", which means he will be paying child support well beyond the time after the child attains age 18.

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What do you do if you lose in direct contempt of court?

If for contempt of refusal to pay child support, request prosecution. If for denial of visitation, nothing.

How long does it take to see a judge in jail for non payment of child support?

See Link BelowChild Support-Contempt Of Court for Non-Payment?

What is the average length of time in jail for contempt of court for not paying child support for 1 year in Colorado?

Contempt of court sentences are broadly defined and generally left at the discretion of the presiding judge. However, federal law mandates that a person cannot be held on contempt charges for more then two years unless extenuating circumstances exist.

What if ex is given a job seek order by a judge to find a job and pay child support but then doesn't follow through?

call child support agency and tell them you want him held in contempt...

Do i have to pay child support if there is a current order and the child now lives with me?

Whatever you do, do not stop paying child support. You have to get the current order modified by a judge to be able to stop the payments.

What can one do if the refuse to obey an order of the court affection child support and failure to provide copies of pay stubs?

When someone refuses to obey an order you can file a Motion for Contempt. You are basically telling the judge that this person is not obeying. A person found in contempt can be fined or even jailed. When a parent isn't paying the support, it's a common mistake is to stop permitting the parent to see the kids. Don't do that. Courts do not see child support and visitation as related things.