

How does a lynx hunt for food?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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it usually hides in a tree and pounces on its food.

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Q: How does a lynx hunt for food?
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How does a lynx find food?

Lynx hunt their food.

How does a lynx hunt?

Well it dependents on the food..........Lynx hunt in much the same what that most cats will hunt. They stalk their prey and then pounce on it.

How does the lynx find its food?

They hunt for their food.By tracking and hunting other animals.

How does the lynx raise its young?

Until they are old enough to hunt for their food by thereself

Can a wolf eat a lynx?

yes a wolf could kill and eat a lynx only if food is scarce. usually wolves hunt hoved animals such as bison but sometimes it attacks lynx.

What happens when a lynx is alone?

Lynx prefer to live and hunt alone

Is a lynx a predator or prey?

A lynx can be both. They do hunt rabbits, hares,voles, mice, and other small animals. Wolves and cougars can hunt a lynx and eat them. They are normally not their prey of choice, but can hunt one down if hungry.

Can you hunt lynx?

Depends on where you live. Yes, Lynx can be hunted in certain locations.

Is it illegal to hunt a lynx in the US?


What are the food habits of a lynx?

Lynx's favorite food is a rabbit.

Why you should protect the lynx?

by not killing them and not hunt then for fur

How does a lynx hunt food?

The Lynx has thick pads on the bottom of its paws. For the Lynx, anywhere is quiet enough. The Lynx will crouch down behind a source of cover; bushes or ledges. It will slowly creep foward. The Lynx knows when its the right distance away; it will then leap and land on its prey. It will bite on the prey's neck or back, breaking the bones. The Lynx will either eat it then, bury and save it, or return home to give to young.