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Q: How does a nose make so much snot?
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Why is there snot in your nose?

so that u have something to pick and flick

Can a baby's snot be harmful if it enters a person's nose?

I dont think so

Does your snot have any nutritional value?

No, snot is a build up inside the nose that is indigestible, so it is actually bad for you. So for those who eat their boogers, you are ruining your digestive system.

Can you die if you eat snot all of the time?

You do not die if you eat the snot. But then this act is not liked by people. So ask your mom to take you to doctor and get runny nose treated. And please stop eating snot.

Who was Pim?

pim is an ugly girl with nose pimples like Diane they are the best of friends the eat their snot and everything i hate them so much the are so ugly i hope they die one day omg it happen already i am so happy pim is an ugly girl with nose pimples like Diane they are the best of friends the eat their snot and everything i hate them so much the are so ugly i hope they die one day omg it happen already i am so happy

How much boogers does a person produce in a lifetime?

The average person produces about 3 cups of snot if they have the common cold during the winter. lol.

Blow nose after crying?

Snot!Snot is the slang term for nose mucus. mucus is made up of: mucin (a protein)skin cellswaterinroganic salts (basically the dirt/pollution we inhale)BUT when we are sick, snot also contains:cbacteria and/or viruses and dead white cells (that's why it looks colored sometimes)When we cry we have extra snot that is extra liquidy!The tears drain away from the eyes through ducts into the nose, this softens up the snot, makng it liquid and fluid, causing your nose to drip.Sometimes this is actually a good thing, that can unclog your naso/oral cavity (ha he may have dumped you but who will have the cleaner halthier nose?)So snot is GREAT!Snot is really a protective lubricating layer that:moisturizes the airprevents tissue from drying outtraps debris and expel it.

Where does the mucus in your nose come from?

Boogers or mostly known as mucus is made by the same secretions as your eyes. Ever notice that when you cry or have tears that a runny nose follows? This is because your eyes, ears and nose are all conected. The tears can drain into your nose and throat. Your Sinus cavity can also make this mucus which is why when you have a sinus infection, your nose gets all congested.

Is it better to blow my nose when I have a cold?

Yes. All the snot you produce with a cold is all the fluid in your body. Where normally without a cold it would just be dirty bacteria building up and so on. Blowing your nose constantly wouldn't blow the virus out, it would just end up making your nose really sore. Just rest and take as much med as you can to help you feel better. A cold isn't curable, but it's handable. Just allow your body to do what it has to do.

Is eating snot heathly?

Snot has been the number one gourmet choice since the beginning of man. It is considered to be a comfort food and a tastey salty treat. Snot has also been considered a survival food. After the collapse of the world trade center seven people were rescued 8 days later. Trapped deep beneath Tower one in the subway system they survived on Daily meals of Snot and Urine. Doctors were amazed to how healthy they were after being trapped so long that to this day they are known as the Secret Snot Eating Seven. They also claimed that the taste of someone elses snot mixed with there own had a unique nutty taste. It won't kill you, but think about it. Your nasal mucus is what catches bacteria, dirt, dust, pollen, etc. from the air, and prevents it from going into your lungs, at least as much as it can. Do you want to eat all of those things? And if you are old enough to be interested in sex, do you think a person will want to touch your hands after they have been picking your nose and will they want to kiss you after you EAT what came out of your nose? NO WAY!

What does picking your nose mean?

Generally, picking one's nose is considered unhygienic and bad behavior. However, almost every person has picked their nose at least once. Unusually, the dry mucous forms a plug, otherwise known as a "booger", which makes it harder to breathe well. So a finger/fingernail seems easier than blowing one's nose. But nose picking can break blood vessels and cause nose bleeds. Also snot, which makes boogers, contains dust and bacteria so if it is eaten it could make you ill.

Why do you have snot?

As we breathe, germs and particles get into our nose and nasal passages. The purpose of snot is to trap these germs and particles to prevent them from entering our lungs. Blowing your nose allows you to get rid of these negative things to both help avoid getting sick as well as getting rid of a cold or illness. Mucus is also essential in smelling. As we breath through our noses, scent particles travel into the nose and then are dissolved in the mucus so that the nerve receptors in the sinus passage can transmit the signals to the brain.