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Padded dashboards are used to reduce injury this is because as your head hits a hard object and stops your brain in side keeps moving and impacts with the inside of your skull, anything that slows down this deceleration will help to save your brain and also your skull, even a little padding can mean the difference between life and death.

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Q: How does a padded dashboard help reduce injury in a car crash?
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Why do airbags in cars reduce the chances of injury in accidents?

Airbags prevent excessive forward movement in a front-end crash, therefore, reducing injuries.

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An airbag reduces the force on a driver during a crash by increasing the duration of the impact, allowing the force to be spread out over a longer period of time. When a crash occurs, the airbag rapidly inflates, creating a cushion between the driver and the steering wheel or dashboard. This cushion helps to absorb some of the force and reduce the impact on the driver's body.

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You can die. Crash and die

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In a car crash two cars collide often resulting in death or sreius injury.

Why do airbags protect you in a crash?

They absorb energy to reduce injuries.

Can't get out of dashboard on xbox live?

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Car crash

What percent do airbags reduce the risk of dying in a frontal crash?

About 94%