

How does a person get iodine?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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A person can get iodine in a variety of ways. Iodine can be absorbed in the body by consuming sea vegetables. A cheaper alternative would be to consume iodized sea salt.

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Seafood and Iodized salt

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Q: How does a person get iodine?
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Related questions

Where is iodine stored in the body?

Iodine is stored throughout the body, including in the muscles and bones. The thyroid gland concentrates the iodine from throughout the body; it is essential for proper growth and development.

If allergic to iodine can a person put drops with povidone in their eye?

Straight iodine in the eyes causes tremendous stinging. I would say to dilute it.

Who discovered iodine and in what year?

the year was 1811 and the person is Bernard Courtois

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What is the response of the pituitary gland in a person who is deficient in iodine?

The pituitary gland will release more thyroid stimulating hormone if iodine is lacking in the diet. The thyroid gland will enlarge in an effort to respond to the TSH. The enlargement (goiter) can be large enough to cause problems for the person with the low iodine. One of the reasons that table salt has iodine in it is due to number of goiters that were see. Afterwards, the numbers dropped.

Why table salt is called iodized salt?

Table salt is iodized (that is, iodine is included via sodium iodide or potassium iodide) because people used to be unable to get enough iodine from their diets, and iodine is necessary for a person's thyroid gland to work properly. Since the thyroid is responsible for growth and immunity, people with thyroid deficiency had dramatic problems including dwarfism and goiter (a lump on the front of the throat where the thyroid gland resides). As a result of these problems, iodine was added to table salt (NaCl). These days, it is actually more likely that a person will develop iodine toxicity (i.e. overdose on iodine) because a typical person's salt intake is SO high above what we need for sodium or iodine. One sign of iodine toxicity is greasy skin and pimples.

Can a person be allergic to iodine used in computed tomography scans?

One of the common contrast agents, iodine, can cause allergic reactions. Patients who are known to be allergic to iodine (or shellfish) should inform the physician prior to the CT scan.

Can iodine help to prevent radiation sickness?

In simple terms, iodine can help someone to avoid radiation damage to the thyroid if that person is exposed to radioactive iodine. Radioactive iodine is one of the fission products that is released in a nuclear meltdown. If this material escapes into the atmosphere, individuals nearby may be exposed and take in radioactive iodine. Since iodine will collect in the thyroid, if iodine is taken before or upon exposure, the iodine a person took will "take up space" in the thyroid and the radioactive iodine won't be able to "move in" and collect in the thyroid and cause radiation damage. Taking iodine is a way to minimize a specific type of radiation poisoning. As radioactive iodine is a fission product, it can only appear as a result of an accident involving spent nuclear fuel. The nuclear meltdown is the most probable cause of the release of fission products, and there are a number of very hazardous fission products other than iodine. It is a good idea to reduce exposure by reducing exposure time, increasing the distance a person is from a source, or setting up some kind of shielding.

What is the difference between iodine crystals and iodine solution?

Iodine crystal is solid Iodine. Iodine solution is when Iodine crystals are dissolved in water.

What is the solution of tincture of iodine?


Why does the concentration of iodine ions remains constant in the iodine clock reaction?

Iodine ion is not consumed; in the first step the iodine ion is oxidized to iodine, in the second step iodine is reduced to iodine ion.

What element has atomic number of 53?

Iodine is a halogen. Single atom has 53 protons.