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Q: How does a pitcher plant digest?
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What is the use of the pitcher on the pitcher plant?

to trap an insect in the pitcher and digest it. so it can have nutrients.

Why does the pitcher plant use chemicals to turn its food into soup?

Because that enables it to digest the food.

Is pitcher plant do photosynthesis?

pitcher plants can photosynthesis, any green part of a plant can photosynthesis. pitcherplants though cannot photosynthesis enough to survive and have adapted to digest small organosms instead.

Does the pitcher plant eat insects?

Yes. It also eats Amphibians and sometimes small birds that fall into it (this only happens if the plant is big enough to digest it and the bird is small e.g. Hummingbird.

How do venus-flytrap and pitcher plant get there energy?

The pitcher plant lacks nitrogen. In order to get nitrogen it catches the insect & digest its protein in an acid solution. The plant can then absorb the nitrogen compounds it needs to make its own compounds.

How does a cobra lily trap insects?

The cobra lily is a pitcher plant meaning it holds water to attract insects inside its "pitcher". Once an insect is inside, the steep, slippery sides will not allow it to get out easily. Once the prey is captured, the plant releases a digestive enzyme to digest the prey.

Does fungi produce chemicals that digest plant remains?

yes! fungi produce chemicals that digest plant remains.

What is an Australian pitcher plant?

An Australian pitcher plant is another name for a Western Australian pitcher plant - also known as the Albany pitcher plant, a carnivorous plant of Western Australia, Latin name Cephalotus follicularis.

What types of nutrition Pitcher Plant takes?

Pitcher plant is insectivorous.

What is pitcher in pitcher plant?


Is the pitcher plant a producer?

Yes the pitcher plant is a flowering plant. It flowers in spring.

Which part of the pitcher plant absorbs sunlight?

The entire "pitcher" of the Pitcher plant contains chlorophyll is green and can photosynthesise