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A plant uses CO2 and H20 along with sunlight to create energy. This process is called photosynthesis.

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Q: How does a plant use CO2 and H2O?
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What does a plant produce when they undergo photosynthesis?

Plant get H2O,CO2 and energy(E),chlorophyll absorbs H2O,CO2 and energy to powder the reaction so H2O=2H,O\CO2=C and O2.Carbon get mixed with hydrogen to form fructose and glucose and oxygen get out from plant.

What raw material does the plant need to perform photosynthesis?

CO2 and H2O

What the materials needed for a plant to conduct photosynthesis?

H2O + CO2 + sunlight

What type of energy does the plant use to convert CO2 and H20 into sugar?

Plants use the energy from sunlight to convert co2 and h2o into glucose [sugar].

What three thing are needed by a plant for photosynthesis to occur?

H2O, CO2, and sunlight.

What are the three things needed to perfom photosynthesis?

h2o co2 and sunlight, and a plant

What is the product of cellular respiration in plant and animal cells?

CO2 and H2O

What are the raw materials and end products of a photosynthetic plant?

There are two raw materials. those are H2o and CO2 gas.

What makes when these mix CO2 and H2O?

H2O + CO2 --> H2CO3 Also if you mix H2O with CO2(s) (common name dry ice) you get CO2 gas and an acidic CO2/H2O mixture.

Can you feed cannabis carbonated water?

There is no reason why you cannot; carbonated water is H2O (l) + pressurized CO2 (g). Once you water the plant with the carbonated water, the CO2 (g) will not stay with the water and will go into the air; you will be left with just H2O with the plant.

What does a cell produce or give off when it makes energy?

Cells can't MAKE energy, they can only convert it from one form to another. Plant cells use sunlight to convert H2O and CO2 into sugar and oxygen. Animal cells convert sugar and oxygen into CO2 and H2O.

Things that the plant need for photosynthesis to occur?

Co2, H2o and sunlight and the major sources required.