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Because - through the use of gears, the load is spread. For example, every turn of the main pulley wheel only turns the anchor wheel one SIXTH.

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Q: How does a pulley help in lifting the load easily?
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A load can be lifted easily by?

A load can be lifted easily by using a pulley system.

What do we use a fixed pulley for?

this is berat writing.we use fixed pulley for lifting load up only by using force on the effort that makes the load lift

How does a pulley help you lift a load?

it helps because the pressure is on the wheel and you can easily slide the rope over the wheel

How do wedges help us to do work?

it helps with lifting or moving a load.

Which simple machine is used in lifting a load with crane?

A crane utilizes a combination of simple machines, but the primary one involved in lifting a load is the pulley. The pulley system allows the crane to lift heavy loads with relatively less effort by applying force over a distance.

How does a fixed pulley help you lift a load?

it helps because the pressure is on the wheel and you can easily slide the rope over the wheel

Why is working with a pulley a lot easier?

because the gravitational energy of the load is absorbed by the pulley, so all effort is put into lifting the object as opposed to keeping it in the air

How does a pulley help people do work?

it makes the load that you carrying lighter

How do Pulleys help?

Pulley used for change direction of the force, e.g. pull the weight up is change direction form pulling up to pulling down. Pulley arrangement can use to reduce the load require to lift object, e.g. fix rope to wall and put load hanging on pulley and pull 1 end so the wall support half of the load. See link for more detail.

What simple machine that helps to raise the load?

A Inclined Plane Can Help You Raise A Load Or A Pulley System.

Why pulley is a simple machine?

a pulley is not a complex machine. it is a small wheel with a groove around it. a rope is passed over it to pull the load easily. so it is a simple machine

How can pulleys be used to reduce the force in lifting up an object?

They convert distance into force. So putting a pulley on a load would result in you having to haul up twice as much rope, but lifting about half of the weight of the load. Multiple pulleys increase rope length and further decrease force required to move the load.