

How does a raccoon avoid their predators?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The first line of defense is to escape and climb a tree. If that fails, the raccoon will fight with claws and teeth to protect itself.

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Q: How does a raccoon avoid their predators?
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The greatest causes of raccoon deaths are hunters and motor vehicle accidents followed by diseases and predators.

What are raccoon are scared of?

Raccoons are shy and afraid of just about any animal that even approaches their size. They try especially to avoid human contact.

Is the raccoon the highest predator in its ecosystem?

No, there are other predators above the raccoon including wolves, coyotes, cougars, jaguars, bobcats and alligators or caimans.

How does a raccoon's climbing ability help?

They are able to climb trees to escape predators.

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How do raccoons cope with humans and predators?

The raccoon will try to avoid a confrontation and make every attempt to escape, usually by climbing a tree. However, if that is not possible they have sharp claws and teeth and will use them for defense.

Why is it important for a species to avoid predators?

It is important for species to avoid predators so they don't get eaten or hurt.

How have humans interacted with a raccoon or affected a raccoon in a positive or negative way?

Vehicular accidents kill more raccoons than disease or predators or hunters.

How does a rabbit escape from a raccoon?

Horses don't normally fight predators unless they feel they can win. Since most of their predators are too strong, they turn and flee.

How do raccoons survive as babies?

The female raccoon nurses them, keeps them warm and protects them from predators.