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Satisfied judgments do not get removed from a consumer's credit report until 7 years from the date they were filed. You might get lucky and the judgment be shielded from view 7 years after the original legal action was filed (once the satisfaction shows).

It is possible, and legal, for the satisfaction to show for 7 full years from it's filing date (which may be different from the judgment filing date).

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Once you have satisfied a judgment on a property that you rented, you can request that the credit reporting agencies update your credit report to reflect this satisfaction. You will need to provide evidence of the satisfied judgment, such as a copy of the court order or documentation from the creditor. Contact each credit reporting agency directly to initiate the process.

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Q: How does a satisfied judgment that was filed on a property rented get removed from a credit report?
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How can you get a 'satisfied' judgment removed from your credit report?

To get a 'satisfied' judgment removed from your credit report, you can contact the credit reporting agencies and dispute the information. Provide any documentation that shows the judgment has been satisfied. You may also need to reach out to the creditor or court that issued the judgment to request that they provide confirmation of its satisfaction to the credit bureaus.

What does execution of judgment is stayed until final payment is received at which time judgment will be deemed satisfied mean and will the judgment actually be filed as to reach my credit report?

This statement means that the enforcement of the judgment will be postponed until the final payment is made. Once the payment is received in full, the judgment will be considered satisfied. While the judgment may still be filed on your credit report, it should reflect that it has been satisfied once the payment is received.

How do you get proof that a judgment has been satisfied?

To obtain proof that a judgment has been satisfied, you can request a satisfaction of judgment document from the court that issued the judgment. This document will show that the judgment has been paid in full or otherwise satisfied. You may need to provide this document to credit reporting agencies or other entities to update your records.

Can a civil judgment item entered in 1997 on a credit report be opened for deposition after the seven year period is reached?

No, a civil judgment item on a credit report typically remains on record for seven years. Once this period has elapsed, the entry is usually removed, and the judgment is considered satisfied. After the seven-year mark, it's unlikely that the judgment can be reopened for deposition solely due to its presence on the credit report.

How long does a satisfied judgment stay on your credit report WA?

A satisfied judgment can stay on your credit report in Washington for up to seven years from the date it was filed. However, its impact on your credit score diminishes over time as you build a more positive credit history.

Related questions

How can you get a 'satisfied' judgment removed from your credit report?

To get a 'satisfied' judgment removed from your credit report, you can contact the credit reporting agencies and dispute the information. Provide any documentation that shows the judgment has been satisfied. You may also need to reach out to the creditor or court that issued the judgment to request that they provide confirmation of its satisfaction to the credit bureaus.

Why should a judgment be paid if it cannot be removed from a credit report before seven years have expired?

Short answer, a valid judgment can be executed against the debtor's non exempt property at any time. A judgment that has been perfected as a lien against real property is more likely to be implemented as a forced sale of the property in question. And a judgment accrues interest until it is paid or satisfied with the judgment creditor.

Broker breached contract but won a judgment against us in a court of law. Is there a statute of limitations on that judgment.?

There is no statute of limitations on a judgment. The only way a judgment can be satisfied is to pay the debt and then it will be removed from your credit report.

Will the satisfaction of a judgment affect your credit score and does it completely come off your credit file or show as satisfied?

A judgment will reduce you credit score. It takes about 7 years for an item on your credit report to be removed. You have to make a request for it to be remove from your credit after you 7 year period.

What does execution of judgment is stayed until final payment is received at which time judgment will be deemed satisfied mean and will the judgment actually be filed as to reach my credit report?

This statement means that the enforcement of the judgment will be postponed until the final payment is made. Once the payment is received in full, the judgment will be considered satisfied. While the judgment may still be filed on your credit report, it should reflect that it has been satisfied once the payment is received.

If you stop paying your credit cards can they come after your property?

A debt is a debt. The credit card collectors can take you to court and get a judgment on you to pay what is due. They can have your wages garnished. This is the channels they will take first. If they do not get satisfied through garnishments they can go after your property. But this is rare.

How do you get proof that a judgment has been satisfied?

To obtain proof that a judgment has been satisfied, you can request a satisfaction of judgment document from the court that issued the judgment. This document will show that the judgment has been paid in full or otherwise satisfied. You may need to provide this document to credit reporting agencies or other entities to update your records.

Can a civil judgment item entered in 1997 on a credit report be opened for deposition after the seven year period is reached?

No, a civil judgment item on a credit report typically remains on record for seven years. Once this period has elapsed, the entry is usually removed, and the judgment is considered satisfied. After the seven-year mark, it's unlikely that the judgment can be reopened for deposition solely due to its presence on the credit report.

How do you get a judgment to say satisfied on your credit report when it was discharged in your bankruptcy?

If a judgment was included in, and discharged by, your bankruptcy; there is no need to obtain a separate disposition. Write the credit bureaus and send a copy of your bankruptcy papers which show this judgment included. That should suffice to have the judgment removed from your report and the original tradeline from the debt marked "included in BK". Talk with an attorney or go to a bank that has a notary service.

How do you proceed if you have a judgment on your credit and are prepared to pay it but want to have it removed from the courts and your report?

A paid judgment will remain on the credit report for the full seven years. It will simply be marked paid or perhaps satisfied. It will also remain part of the public court records, there is no way to expunge it from either until the SOL expires.

Will a judgment be removed from a credit report if it is paid?

No. It will show that you had a judgment on your credit report for up to seven years, but it will show a zero balance.

How long does a judgment last in New Mexico?

A judgment stays on your credit report until it is satisfied or for 14 years. Sometimes it will stay on your credit report past 14 years.