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It lies in wait under a bush or burrows itself into the sand with only the top of the head exposed and waits for prey to come to it.

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Q: How does a sidewinder rattlesnake find food?
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Is the sidewinder rattlesnake a flora or fauna?

Flora are plants and Fauna are animals so a sidewinder rattlesnake would be a Fauna.

How much does a sidewinder rattlesnake weigh?

31 pounds

Where does the sidewinder get water?

shelter of the side wider rattlesnake

What is scientific name a sidewinder rattlesnake?

Crotalus cerastes

Is a sidewinder related to a wolf?

No, sidewinders are a type of rattlesnake. The wolf is a mammal.

What snake name begins with the letter t?

The tiger rattlesnake is a snake. It begins with the letter t.

Do all sidewinder snakes have rattles?

No, almost any snake will move with a side-winding motion when on loose, hot sand. The sidewinder rattlesnake has perfected the movement. There is also a viper or two in Africa that has no rattles but uses the side-winding motion. The horned viper is a good example.

What snakes crawl sideways?

Most snakes will use a sidewinding motion when moving in loose sand. The sidewinder rattlesnake has perfected the movement.

What kind of Snakes live in southern UTAH?

the sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes),speckled rattlesnake (C. mitchellii), Mojave rattlesnake, western rattlesnake (C. viridis), Hopi Rattlesnake, Midget Faced Rattlesnake, and Great Basin Rattlesnake

What is the scientific name for sidewinder rattlesnake?

Crotalus Horridus Horridus and Crotalus Horridus Atricaudatus for the southern "canebrake" race.

What is the size of a sidewinder rattlesnake?

The Sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes) is small compared to a lot of other Rattlesnake species. Usually about 2ft long.

What does a sidewinder look like?

A Sidewinder Rattlesnake is a foot or two long and is tan or brown in color with dark patches. You can tell it is a Sidewinder by looking at its head. They have raised scales about their eyes that look like horns.