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is this shaaasehort cuz this question sounds a lot like shaaasehort thot of it. i think he should find an ocean and just go to it you know just find a sidewalk and walk on it seriously shaaasehort try singing a picture i heard that works. i just thought of a perfect therapy session right there on the spot like that i think that i am amazing. that should be my proffesion amazing man at shaaasehort therapy man. i hope that was useful.

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Q: How does a starfish maintain a constant internal environment?
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How does a starfish adapt to its environment?

it gets giggy with it

What are differences shrimp and starfish?

Crayfish have an external skeleton and starfish have an internal skeleton relying on a water vascular system for movement.

Is a starfish endangered?

Starfish are not on the endangered list. However, starfish like other marine animals depend on a healthy ocean environment to survive.

How do starfish help your environment?

Not A Clue i Have The Same Question!!

What environment does a starfish live in?

hey live in the oceans

Environment of a starfish?

bottom of sea/ocean in water

Is starfish a vertebrates?

No. A starfish has a hard shell and its inside is only organs. To be considered a vertebrate the starfish would need a spine and an internal skeleton (not to mention a head). They are, therefore, classified as invertebrates.

How do starfish deal with salt in their environment?

They drink the water and spit it out

What environment do starfish like to like in?

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