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the macronuculi is destroyed & the micronuculi makes a clone of its self and becomes ready for exchange

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4mo ago

Stentor reproduces asexually through a process called binary fission, where the individual divides into two daughter cells. This involves the splitting of the parent cell into two genetically identical daughter cells.

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Q: How does a stentor reproduce?
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How does stentor reproduce?

the macronuculi is destroyed & the micronuculi makes a clone of its self and becomes ready for exchange

Do stentors reproduce asexually?

Stentors reproduce both sexually by conjugation and asexually through binary fission. In binary fission, a stentor cell divides into two daughter cells.

When was The Stentor created?

The Stentor was created in 1886.

How does stentor polymorphus reproduce?

stentors use micronuclues for reproduction. when two stentors run into each other they attend to latch on together and decide to mate.

What is The Stentor's motto?

The Stentor's motto is 'Magna Est Veritas Et Praevalebit'.

Is a stentor a consumer or a producer?

A stentor is a consumer and it is a heterotroph that moves

What is the structural difference between stentor and vorticella?

One structural difference between Stentor and vorticella is that Stentor is a protozoa. Vorticella is a sessile organism, meaning that it is immobile.

What domain does a Stentor belong?

A Stentor belongs to the domain Eukarya.

Is the Stentor a Cilia or Flagella?

Stentor is a ciliated protozoan, meaning it has cilia for movement.

What group of protists does stentor belong to?

Stentor belongs to the group of protists known as ciliates. They are characterized by having cilia for movement and feeding.

Does stentor have chloroplast?

Yes, Stentor is a ciliate protist that possesses a prominent oral apparatus used for feeding. It does not have chloroplasts and primarily relies on engulfing food particles through its cytostome for nutrition.