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Q: How does a stream sort alluvium size?
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What is the difference between old alluvium and new alluvium?

Alluvium refers to clay, silt, sand, gravel, or similar detrital material deposited by running water. New alluvium are these sediments that are being deposited right now and older alluvium refers to sediments that were deposited a short while before the new alluvium. For example, a 500 years ago some sediments were deposited in a stream bed and last year more sediments were deposited in that same stream bed. The 500 year old sediment would be older alluvium and the 1 year old sediment would be the younger alluvium.

When alluvium accumulates as a long curving deposit of sediment on the inside of a stream meander it is called?

Point Bar

What is the definition of alluvial?

It is a adjective of the form alluvium. It is used to describe soil that is fertile in as a result of a deposit by a stream.

Where can be alluvial soil found in India?

Alluvial soils are found in the floodplains alongside rivers and streams.Alluvial soils are made of alluvium, which are deposits of sediment that are made when a river or stream floods.

How do you use alluvium in a sentence?

Reeds and grasses thrive here, due in part to the alluvium.

What is alluvial deposition?

Alluvial sediment:is clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down. Alluvial deposition refers to this which alluvium is thus deposited.

How do you spell stream?

That is the correct spelling of the word "stream" (a creek or river, or a flow of any sort).

Match the term with its definition?

Delta - Mouth of a river Alluvium - Fertile sediment deposited by a river Meaner - Curve in a river Tributary - Stream that flows into a river -Apex- :)

What is a fertile sediment?


What is the size of a stream?

it depends which stream it is because they are all different sizes.

What is an example of fertile sediment?

no its a Alluvium

Distinguish between Bhangar and Khadar?

THE older alluvium of the north indian plain is known as bhangar and the younger alluvium is known as khadar