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Do tape worms live in lakes

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Q: How does a tapeworm live outside of water?
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Related questions

How long will a tapeworm survive outside the host?

Tapeworms can live in a host for 5-10 years.

Where and how can you become infected by tapeworm?

If you go into the water infested with tapeworms then the tapeworm can climb up your anus. If a woman is infected with tapeworm and the tapeworm hasn't gone into her intestines yet then the tapeworm might climb up your testicles if you have anal sex.

What is the prognosis for a patient with tapeworm disease?

Serious problems from tapeworm infections occur when tapeworm eggs are consumed and the larvae localize in tissues outside the digestive tract (cysticercosis). Prompt diagnosis and treatment of this condition is necessary.

Can catfish live outside?

If you mean outside of water it can for a while is kept wet catfish can live outside of water longer than any fish that is required to breath oxygen in water if you mean outside a house than of course

What temperature and climate can the tapeworm live?

about 50 degrees

Can tapeworm's live in a humans stomach?

Tapeworm eggs survive very well outside the body, often for years in unfavorable conditions. Adult tapeworms, however, are very dependent upon remaining in the intestinal tract and are generally dead before they come out of the body.

Can chlamydia live in water?

Chlamydia can't live in water. The bacteria can live for only a few minutes outside the body.

Can bob sponge live outside water?

No, he couldn't!

Can pet bunnies live outside?

Yes. Pet Bunnies can live outside as long as you keep them in a cage with food and water.

Which animal lives outside water?

All animals but fish, turtles,whales,dolphins, etc. live outside the water

Can a platypus live outside of the water?

Platypuses do not live in water, but they need water in which to find their food. They can live indefinitely out of the water, but would die within weeks if they could not feed.

Where does sink water come from?

Either from the city water main outside your house, or if you live outside the city, possibly from your own well.