

How does a turtle adapt?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Turtles adapt to their environment by living in water or on land

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Q: How does a turtle adapt?
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Can a turtle adapt to it's natural habitat?

Once Turtles Adapt to their home, id suggest Turtle/Reptile Pellets. i have 5 turtles and this is what i feed them. and if you want to keep them small, keep them in a medium-sized tank. ~The Turtle Expert

How does a green sea turtle adapt to its environment?

by pooping every where and peeingKaelie Horton

How does a Leatherback sea turtle adapt?

It uses its shell to cover it from shade, it think.

What sized tank do you need to keep a normal sized turtle?

You only need one that your turtle can swim in and if you get one to big it is okay they adapt to there inviorment

How do green sea turtle adapt to their environment?

They don't. Once they hatch, off to the sea they go!!

How did god design a Green Sea Turtle to survive its habitat?

The theory of evolution allowed for the Green Sea Turtle to slowly change and adapt to its habitats over thousands of years.

Does anyone need me to adapt there turtle or squid on happy aquarium?

there are turtle, squid and penguin available for adopt, if your friend found any lost orphan by click on the adopt you will get a chance adopt orphans sources:

How do tarantulas adapt to its environment?

Ok. All organisms have to either adapt,relocate,or perish from their environment. Tarantulas have special adaptations too. For example, the turtle's claws, shell,scaly legs, and head offer specific survival advantages. The turtle eggs have a protective shell so the eggs are harder to break. There are examples to help your question! Give me a specific name of a tarantula and then i will give you all i know about how it adapts in its environment!

What is species adaptation?

when a species adapts, it means to ''get use to an environment''.for example:when a turtle lives in a swamp with many creatures to eat,and making finding food easy.then gets moved to a new cleaner pond,where there inst allot of creatures to eat,finding food is scarce. the turtle has to adapt to its environment.

Can turtles adapt to mimicry?

Technically, it uses both, because tortoises move inside their shell, using mimicry to imitate a rock. It uses camouflage because when it mimics a rock, its shell is sometimes the distinct color of the rock, or the environment it is hiding in.

Which is correct turtle or turtle?

iortoise is a turtle who lives on the land

Is A turle a mollusk?

No, a turtle is a reptile.