

How does a young adult go about being tested for adhd?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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actually i was just tested for ADHD about two weeks ago. just go to your doctor and he will ask you some questions and either give you a prescription or he'll say you don't have it.

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Q: How does a young adult go about being tested for adhd?
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There are several signs that can be identified as being related to adult ADHD. These include problems with being organized, difficulties with marriage or relationships and poor listening skills.

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If your grandmother has been tested by a professional and diagnosed with ADHD, she will be referred to a physician who can prescribe medication.

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There are no set tests to determine whether or not an adult has ADD/ADHD. However, there are some medical practitioners and online tests that will be able to give advice on whether or not they believe the adult in question has ADD/ADHD.

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you dont they have adhd they cant help being like that

What is the difference between an autistic child and a child that has ADHD?

my sister as ADhd and she is not a bad kid she just couldn't understand things as well and was full of energy all the time and if you think your kid might have ADHD then you should take he or she to the doctor to get tested.

How mature is a 17 year old girl with ADHD?

That depends on the girl. ADHD does not control how she is in every way or affect maturity. There are also different levels of ADHD and how she has been raised and plays a big part. ADHD can be medicated so they have a easier time to concentrate and focus but that has nothing to do with maturity. A 17yo is not an adult yet but more adult than a child. So it depends on the person.

where can i get diagnosed for adult adhd and still save money?

Go to your regular doctor and tell him/her your symptoms and that you think you have adhd. It is cheaper than going to psychiatrists or specialists.

Why don't adults have ADHD?

Adults do have ADHD. It's something we're born with. Little testing is done on adults.