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Q: How does accuracy and precision affect the result of an investigation?
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What is accuracy and precision and the difference between them?

The term accuracy describes how far your observation/measurement is from the correct result. Precision describes how repeatable your results are, regardless of their accuracy..

Accuracy is a measure of how consistently a result is determined by repeated evaluations true or false?

False, that's precision.

What is an example of an archery contestant showing good precision but poor accuaracy?

Accuracy implies that there is no deviation from the desired result. Precision implies a consistent closeness to the desired result. An archery contestant whould show poor accuracy because the arrow is always off the target center. Good precision because it is always close to the target center.

Differentiate accurate from precise in measurement?

Accuracy is when the result is close or equal to the actual value or expected result. Precision is when multiple results are within the same or very close value. With multiple results, you can have accuracy and precision if the results are on target, and all within a very close range. However, if the results have quite a bit of deviation among them, but the average result is on target, then you have accuracy, but low precision. If multiple results are way off target, but are all within a close range of each other, then you have low accuracy and high precision. If the multiple results are all over the place, and the average result is off target, then you have low accuracy and low precision. For example, it helps to imagine a dart board with a few darts. If all the darts are together after being thrown, that is precision. When the thrown dart is close to the bullseye, that is accuracy. IF the darts are all close together and all on the bullseye - that is accurate and precise...if they are all close together, but way off the bullseye, then that is precise but NOT accurate, and so on...

What is accuracy?

Precision -- the degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard

What does accuracy and precision mean?

Precision measurements are those which are repeatable - so all measurements are clustered around the same value. An accurate measurement is where you are close to the true value. A measurement can be precise but not accurate. If you have a piece of string which is 75cm long. You measure it and come up with values of 60cm, 60.5cm and 59.5cm - your measurements are precise but not accurate. See also 'The Story of Measurement' by Andrew Robinson. Published by Thames and Hudson (2007)

What are 6 traits of a good of a scientific observer?

I would suggest that they read textbooks. Also perhaps the following: Precision Accuracy Recording the result Persistence Patience Impartiality

What are the 6 traits of a good scientific observer?

I would suggest that they read textbooks. Also perhaps the following: Precision Accuracy Recording the result Persistence Patience Impartiality

Will sand attack affect the result of a capture in fire red?

No sand attack only effects the opponents accuracy.

How are accuracy and precision both important?

because they are both a reliable measurement and is both accurate and precise

How does accuracy differ from precision a scientific measurement?

Accuracy is the tendency for a measurement to be correct. A more accurate measurement will be closer to the true value than a less accurate measurement. Precision is the tendency to come to the same measurement under the same conditions on multiple occasions. A precise measurement may not be accurate, but can be reproduced time after time and give the same (or sImilar) result.

What is accuracy give some example?

Accuracy refers to how close you are to the real answer. This is usually used in measurements. For example: The weight is 55.5kg. The accurate measurement will be 60kg which is close to the real answer.