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The sulphites and sulphates (and other acidic compounds) are emitted from smokestacks where they form nucleii for cloud formation. When the condensed water builds up in the cloud, the compounds are dissolved in the water, making them acidic.

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Water from the earth's surface evaporates into the atmosphere, where it condenses and precipitates as rain, snow, mist or water vapor and then returns to the surface of the earth. As a result of air pollution there is increased presence of nitrous oxide and sulfuric dioxide in the atmosphere. Water bodies absorb these gases in different steps of the water cycle, such as evaporation, precipitation and condensation.

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Q: How does acid get in to the rain clouds?
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Does Jupiter have clouds and acid rain?

Jupiter has clouds, but not acid rain.

When does acid rain occour?

it occurs when smoke goes into the clouds if its about to rain it mixes with the cloouds and if rain falls it cauases acid rain it occurs when smoke goes into the clouds if its about to rain it mixes with the cloouds and if rain falls it cauases acid rain

What planet have clouds and acid rain?


Difference between acid rain an rain?

Acid rain is rain that is more acidic due to pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from human activities, while regular rain has a neutral pH level. Acid rain can harm plants, aquatic life, and buildings, whereas normal rain is essential for the growth of plants and replenishing water sources.

How is acid rain harmful for kids?

Because the gases that are contained in the formation of clouds for acid rain are dangerous.

What affect the forming of clouds?

pollution can make acid rain

What country is polluted by acid rain?

It is worth noticing that acid rain is formed by clouds with high density of H2SO4 and as clouds can move, it is possible that almost every industrial countries and it's surrounding countries experiences acid rain. Also, acid rain is not considered a type of "pollution" Rather, it is a result of Air Pollution.

Does acid rain fall in the rainforest?

Yes acid rain does fall in the rain forest since the clouds that would be acidic can travel with wind therefore acid rain can fall virtually anywhere on earth.

What is the biggest cause of weathering?

Acid rain is the biggest cause. Acid rain forms when pollutants from factory smoke stacks mixes with rain clouds then the chemicals and the rain combine and acid rain is formed. Hope this helps :)

What planet haves acid clouds?

Well, potentially Earth because we do have the occasional acid rain, but I do know that Venus has sulferous clouds around it.

Suggest why acid rain is more acidic?

Because it has various chemicals mixed up with the rain in the clouds and when the rain comes down, there are still bits of acid in it.

What two acids are produced in rain clouds?

Sulfuric acid and nitric acid are the two acids commonly produced in rain clouds through the reaction of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emitted from sources like industrial activities and vehicles. These acids are considered pollutants and can lead to environmental issues such as acid rain.