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without clouds there wouldn't be rain and without rain there wouldn't be water.

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Q: How is rain associated with clouds?
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What is the rain shadow effect associated with?

The rain shadow effect is associated with the process where moisture-laden air rises over a mountain range, cools, and releases precipitation on the windward side. As the air descends on the leeward side, it warms up and becomes dry, creating an area of reduced precipitation known as a rain shadow. This phenomenon often results in deserts or semi-arid regions on the leeward side of mountain ranges.

Weather associated with stratus clouds?

Stratus clouds are associated with long periods of light to moderate rain or snow.

Is it true that warm fronts are associated with clouds and rain?

Yes. Warm fronts typically bring clouds and light rain or snow.

What type of precipitation do cumulonimbus clouds produce?

Very heavy rain or hail. These type of clouds often are associated with thunderstorms.

What clouds would form rain?

Clouds that include the name "nimbus" tend to be the ones that create precipitation. Nimbostratus clouds create falling rain and snow, while cumulonimbus clouds are associated with thunderstorms.

What weather does cumulmbus clouds bring?

Cumulonimbus Clouds are generally known as thunderstorm clouds, they are associated with heavy rain, snow. hail and lightning

What is hail associated with?

comulonimbus clouds are associated with any type of thunderstorms and severe weather including heavy rain

High pressure areas tend to have more clouds and rainy weather?

No. Clouds and rain are associated with low-pressure areas.

What type of weather is cumulonimbus clouds?

Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, snow, hail, lightning and even tornadoes.

What is the most common type of cloud?

Probably cumulus pronounced as it is spelled- Cum- You-Luss. these are normally fat and spread out clouds. Cumulonimbus, howver are thunderheads or heavy Rain clouds associated with thunderstorms. In Weather talk Nimbus by itself means rain or is associated with rain- Nimbo-stratus- high level rain cloud. etc.

Why are cyclones generally associated with clouds and rain?

Air in cyclones undergoes cooling as it rises.

What cloud is smooth and gray and associated with light rain and drizzle?

Those are stratus clouds.