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Q: How does acid rain affect bilndings made of limestone?
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How could acid rain affect a statue that was made of stone?

If the stone is marble or limestone - and many statues are - acid rain will slowly but surely eat away at it - a kind of slow-motion "dissolving", as it were. It is very real, and a very serious problem.

How can acid rain dissolve a limestone mountain?

Limestone, or calcium carbonate, is insoluble in pure water. However, in an acidic aqueous solution (such as acid rain), calcium carbonate is appreciably more soluble. Therefore, a small amount of the material will be dissolved as it is washed by acid rain. Gradually, this can wear down things made of limestone, such as monuments or mountains.

What effect does acid rain have on buildings made from limestone?

Naturally occurring acidic rainfall, and rainfall enhanced by certain man made pollutants, causes a chemical reaction with the calcium carbonate from which limestone is composed. The result is a gradual dissolution of the rock.

Does limestone react to acid?

No. It is a sedimentary rock. However, unlike sandstone which is also a sedimentary rock, it is primarily composed of calcium carbonate which can be eaten away by acid (like acid rain) gradually with time.

What environmental problems in new york makes limestone a poor choice to use on the outside of a building?

Air pollution makes the rain more acid. The more acid the rain, the more easily the limestone dissolves. Major problem in e.g. Europe: many old buildings made out of limestone are starting to decay -> these buildings need to be restored if wanted to be preserved, which is quite expensive. Or, much better, deal with the problem at the source: significantly reduce are pollution.

Related questions

How does acid rain affect how your life?

It affects the environment we all live in, it destroys limestone, which means it destroys the buildings that are made out of limestone.

How does limestone affect monuments?

Limestone is primarily made of Calcium Carbonate which is a soluable in water and weak acid solutions. Anytime rainfall hits a monument made of limestone, it weathers it a bit faster than if it were made of marble.

What does acid rain do to buildings made from limestone?

it dissolves them

What does acid rain make house's from limestone do?

acid rain decomposes limestone (calcium carbonate), causing houses and buildings made out of them to become worn

What are buildings and monuments that are made of limestone greatly damaged by?

Acid Precipitation

What is a substance in the air which made limestone change?

Limestone is basically calcium carbonate. *All* acids will slowly cause the surface of limestone to dissolve thus eroding the surface. The stronger the acid, the quicker the dissolution. Acids based on sulfur, such as sulfurous or sulfuric acids are very harmful to limestone.

Rain that contains a large amount of acid?

acid rain (it can destroy limestone) (it also made the Statue of Liberty green)

How could acid rain affect a statue that was made of stone?

If the stone is marble or limestone - and many statues are - acid rain will slowly but surely eat away at it - a kind of slow-motion "dissolving", as it were. It is very real, and a very serious problem.

What chemical test can be made to identify limestone?

Limestone will lightly fizz when vinegar is applied to the surface, from the reaction of the acid with the calcium carbonate in the stone.

Important materials made from limestone out of cement and diesel oil and glass and polyethene and sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid?

Cement and Glass are the 2 most important materials made from Limestone.

How does acid rain affect the ancient ruins statues and structures within Greece?

It wears the structure down to nothing. Particularly those made of limestone.

How can acid rain dissolve a limestone mountain?

Limestone, or calcium carbonate, is insoluble in pure water. However, in an acidic aqueous solution (such as acid rain), calcium carbonate is appreciably more soluble. Therefore, a small amount of the material will be dissolved as it is washed by acid rain. Gradually, this can wear down things made of limestone, such as monuments or mountains.