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Q: How does acidification affect biodiversity?
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Type your answer here... no, neutral mutations do not affect biodiversity as they are a simple change which does not affect the organism in any way

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Rates of reactions -Redox -Acidification -Rock weathering -Enzymes

How does ocean acidification affect bottlenosed dolphins?

It is not certain what the effect ocean acidification has on dolphins, though it is suspected that it could lead to them being deafened. It could also lead to them having a shortage of food, as all marine life especially fish are effected by ocean acidification.

What are the importance of biodiversity that human needed?

Humans need biodiversity ,as biodiversity is related to the ecosystem if there is a shift in biodiversity then there will also be a shift in the ecosystem which will in turn affect human life

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They maintain biodiversity.

The Factors that affect the BIODIVERSITY of an ecosystem.?

The factors that affect biodiversity of an ecosystem are moisture content, organic matter, Simpson's index of diversity and the pH of the soil.

How does the biodiversity of ecosytems affect their sustainability?

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What is ocean acidification?

Ocean Acidification: The declining pH (increased acidification) of the oceans due to increased CO2 emissions globally.

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How do invasive species affect biodiversity area?

Alien and invasive species affect the biodiversity of a area because the species keeps spreading and soon it is everywhere. Then they change the amount of resources in a area. So the other plants die and and then the animals who eat those plants die too and so on. This is how a species can affect a whole forest or biodiversity.