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Their proportion remains almost the same with altitude however the absolute number falls off as the pressure decreases with altitude.

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Q: How does altitude affect the quantitiy of oxygen molecules?
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What is the relationship of oxygen density to altitude?

Oxygen density decreases as altitude increases. This is due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes, which results in a lower concentration of oxygen molecules. Therefore, the higher the altitude, the lower the oxygen density.

Why air pressure decreases with an increases in altitude.?

there is less oxygen and the molecules are more spread out

How does oxygen content change with altitude?

The oxygen content decreases as altitude increases. This is because the air pressure decreases with higher altitude, leading to the molecules in the air being spaced farther apart and resulting in lower oxygen concentration. This lower oxygen content can lead to altitude sickness and difficulty breathing for individuals not accustomed to high altitudes.

Does altitude affect horsepower?

Yes, altitude can affect horsepower. As altitude increases, the air density decreases, which can result in reduced engine performance due to less oxygen available for combustion. This can lead to lower horsepower output at higher altitudes compared to lower altitudes.

Is the ratio nitrogen to oxygen changed by altitude?

No, the ratio of nitrogen to oxygen is not changed by altitude.

Why are oxygen masks nessesary when flying at high altitudes?

Oxygen masks are needed at higher altitude because the air is less dense, therefore less air molecules are getting into your lungs when you breath.

How much oxygen is available 5.5 kilometers above sea level?

From sea level to an altitude of 300 meters there is enough oxygen. After 300 meters of altitude, there is enough oxygen. 4500 meters to 4800 meters of altitude and low atmospheric pressure due to lack of oxygen to human breath.

How do air pressure density and the amount of oxygen change as you change altitude?

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases because there are fewer air molecules pressing down from above. This decrease in air pressure also leads to a decrease in air density. Additionally, the amount of oxygen decreases as altitude increases, making it harder to breathe at higher altitudes.

How is altitude treated?

Altitude sickness can be treated with oxygen therapy

Is there as much oxygen in the air in Denver as there is in Boston?

No, Denver has less oxygen in the air than Boston. This is because Denver is located at a higher altitude, which means the air is thinner and contains less oxygen molecules compared to lower altitude cities like Boston.

How gas behavior affect backpackers at high altitudes?

At high altitudes, the lower air pressure can lead to the expansion of gases inside sealed containers, such as gas canisters used for cooking by backpackers. This expansion can cause the gas canisters to leak or even burst, posing a safety hazard. Backpackers may need to take precautions such as storing gas canisters in a secure manner and ensuring proper ventilation to avoid any issues with gas behavior at high altitudes.

What does altitude do to the air pressure?

makes 40% oxygen than lower altitude