

How does an ameba form a food vacuole?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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through budding of the vacuole from the plasma membrane

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Q: How does an ameba form a food vacuole?
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What is a food vacuole?

A membrane-bound vacuole (as in an ameba) where ingested food is digested.

When an ameba engulfs a particle of food what is formed?

food vacuole

How does an ameba get food?

They move around using a foot-like projections called pseudopods. Amoebas also use these pseudopods to capture food.Then creates a food vacuole around the food particle.

How does an amoebae take in food?

its false feet (pseudopods) encircles the food and the membrane in contact dissolves to form a food vacuole. then the food is ejested through the contractile vacuole.

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Well the answer to your question is (Plasma).

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When the ends of two pseudopods fuse, they form a food vacuole. Food is broken down inside the food vacuole in the cytoplasm.

What does the amobea consist of?

An amoeba is a substance made up from a pseudopod, food vacuole, nucleus, a membrane, ectoplasm and endoplasm and a contractile vacuole, it is an ameba, also known as a genus, from sea water.

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the food vacuole helps digest the parameciums food inside the food vacuole

What does a food vacuole in a paramecium do?

Food Vacuole

What does the contractile vacuole do in the ameba?

The contractile vacuole removes water from the cell. First it will collect the water and then then it will quickly contract releasing the water from the cell walls. It prevents it from bursting from the pressure from the water.

What part of an amoeba helps it capture food?

food vacuole is a small cavity in the cytoplasm that temporarily store food.