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Active immunity to a disease is acquired either through getting the disease or being vaccinated for it.

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Q: How does an animal acquire an active immunity to disease?
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How is active immunity similar to passive immunity?

Active immunity is long term protection that generally lasts 20-30 years and passive immunity is immediate protection. there are two forms, naturally acquired and artificially acquired. in active immunity the naturally acquired immunity is when you suffer from the disease then recover again. the artificially acquired way is by getting a vaccination. in passive immunity, the naturally acquired way is to receive antibodies from mother in pregnancy and breastfeeding, the artificial way is to have antibodies injected in a serum for immediate response for example when you have been bitten by a poisonous animal. note they are not vaccinated.

Is it rare for an animal to build an immunity to a disease?

not really. animals often have stronger systems than humans do.

How do you acquire passive immunity?

You can get passive immunity through a placenta when you are a fetus in your mothers womb or you can be injected with antibodies that have most likely been forced to grow due to somebody putting a disease in an animal such as a rabbit. Unfortunately passive immunity does not last very long because the antibodies are detached from their white blood cells which keeps them a live and also stores the antibodies in their memory so you can not become immune forever via passive immunity as it is only passive e.g. short lived/quick

If you were to transfuse a person with plasma proteins from a person or an animal that has been actively immunized against a specific antigen would it provide active or passive immunity?


What is the role of immunity in disease in animals?

Immunity is the internal protection of an organism from infection with a pathogen. Therefore, immunity (which is typically conferred by the immune system) has the role of protection against disease in animals. However, another aspect of immunity is innate or species-based immunity. This is conferred by the genetics of the species and protects the animal against pathogens that infect other species of animals. For instance, cattle are not susceptible to PRRS virus infection because PRRS is specific for pigs. This is not true of all diseases, however - viruses such as rabies and foot and mouth disease virus can infect multiple species.

What are the two components of specific immunity?

Humoral Immunity- acquired immunity in which the role of circulating antibodies is predominant. Natural Immunity- the resistance of the normal animal to infection

Difference between anti sera and serum?

Antisera is blood serum containing antibodies against a specific antigen, used to treat or provide immunity to a disease. It is extracted from an animal that has immunity to a particular disease. Serum is the fluid obtained when whole blood is separated into its solid and liquid components after it has been allowed to clot. It is clear and yellow in color.

Is Drinking of Anthrax infected Cow's milk safe?

No, it is not safe, the microorganism (B. anhracis) is secreted in the milk of animal infected with anthrax. You can acquire the disease by drinking this milk.

What is an animal disease?

an animal disease is a disease that can kill a animal in affection of having a coma and can poision that animal. in such way it will survive or die if its reasoned to have died

What is animal disease?

an animal disease is a disease that can kill a animal in affection of having a coma and can poision that animal. in such way it will survive or die if its reasoned to have died

What Immunity results when antibodies produced in another animal are introduced into your body?

This is called artificially acquired passive immunity. See link below:

How do animal cell acquire their food and nutrition?
