

How does an anti-gravity machine work?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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10y ago

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You don't. There is, so far as we have been able to determine, no such thing as antigravity.

What's more, it's not just a matter of "there might be, we just haven't discovered it yet." There are fundamental reasons to believe that there cannot be a negative gravitational "charge" the way there can be positive and negative electrical charges.
Anti-gravity is an idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity. It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift.

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1w ago

Anti-gravity machines are currently theoretical and not proven to exist. The concept goes against the known laws of physics, which state that gravity is a fundamental force in the universe. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of anti-gravity technology in reality.

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15y ago

Through acceleration.

Gravity and acceleration are equivalent: they're each associated with a force that's proportional to the mass of the object. Amusement parks take advantage of this in "Virtual Reality" theaters: they simulate acceleration with gravity, by rocking the seats backward or forward to simulate speeding up or slowing down. Artificial gravity in space is the converse: simulating gravity with acceleration.

Acceleration can be linear or centripetal.

Continuous linear acceleration requires continuous energy input. The kinetic energy is proportional to the velocity squared. It's prohibitively expensive and doesn't allow you to stay any place for very long -- including near-earth orbit.

Centripetal acceleration is acceleration toward a center point -- it changes the direction of motion but not the tangential speed. Everything that rotates experiences "artificial gravity." That's why curves in roads -- especially high-speed race tracks -- have to be banked. For an object spinning in space without friction, it takes energy to start and stop the rotation, but it doesn't take any energy to sustain a constant rotation. Conservation of momentum keeps the object spinning. Constant centripetal acceleration (through rotation) is much more sustainable than constant linear acceleration, and it also allows the spinning thing to remain in orbit around the Earth or Sun or other planet.

You can find an artificial-gravity calculator on-line at:

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10y ago

No such thing exists. It would require controlling mass. Gravity cannot be

switched on or off like an electromagnet, and there's no shield that blocks it.

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How does the work done a machine compare to the work done by a machine?

The work done by a machine is the output energy provided by the machine in an intended task, while the work done on a machine is the input energy required to operate the machine. The work done by the machine should ideally be greater than the work done on the machine to ensure efficiency.

What is work done on a machine called?

The work done on a machine is called input work or mechanical work. It refers to the energy transferred to the machine to operate it and perform tasks.

What does antigravity mean?

Antigravity refers to hypothetical theories or technologies that aim to counteract the force of gravity, providing a means to achieve levitation or propulsion without the need for traditional aerodynamic lift or thrust mechanisms. These concepts often exist in the realm of science fiction or fringe physics, as current scientific understanding does not support the existence of antigravity as commonly portrayed.

How does input work and out put work affect the efficiency of a simple machine?

Input work is the work done on a machine, while output work is the work done by the machine. Efficiency of a simple machine is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. The efficiency of a simple machine is high when the output work is close to the input work, indicating that the machine is converting most of the input work into useful output work.

The work that the simple machine does is called the work?

The work that a simple machine does is called mechanical work. It refers to the amount of force applied over a distance to accomplish a task using the simple machine.

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