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Answer this question… The claims made in an argumentative thesis must be debatable.

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3d ago

An argumentative thesis makes a claim that can be supported or refuted through evidence and reasoning, aiming to persuade the reader of a particular perspective. On the other hand, an explanatory thesis seeks to explain a topic or issue without taking a firm position, focusing more on providing information and analysis.

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Q: How does an argumentative thesis differ from an explanatory thesis?
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What of the following statements describes an argumentative essay but not an explanatory essay?

An argumentative essay presents a claim or thesis supported by evidence and reasoning to persuade the reader to agree with the writer's viewpoint. In contrast, an explanatory essay aims to inform or educate the reader about a topic without necessarily taking a stance or trying to persuade.

How is a persuasive thesis statement diffeerent from an explanatory thesis statement?

A persuasive thesis statement aims to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or argument, while an explanatory thesis statement seeks to explain a topic or issue. The persuasive thesis will typically include a clear assertion and provide reasons to support it, whereas the explanatory thesis will focus on informing the reader about the topic without necessarily taking a stance.

How is a persuasive thesis statement different from an explanatory thesis statement?

A persuasive thesis statement aims to convince the reader of a specific viewpoint or argument, presenting a clear stance that the writer will defend throughout the essay. In contrast, an explanatory thesis statement simply explains a topic or issue without taking a side or making an argument. The persuasive thesis statement typically includes a call to action or a proposed solution, whereas the explanatory thesis statement mainly provides information.

What is a primary purpose of an argumentative thesis?

A primary purpose of an argumentative thesis is to clearly state your position on a topic and provide a roadmap for the argument you will present in your essay or paper. It helps guide the reader on what to expect and sets the direction for the rest of your work.

What describes an argumentative essay but not an explanatory essay?

An argumentative essay presents a claim or argument and provides evidence to support it, often aiming to persuade the reader to agree with the author's viewpoint. In contrast, an explanatory essay focuses on explaining a topic or concept, without necessarily taking a stance or trying to convince the reader of a specific viewpoint. The main goal of an argumentative essay is to argue for a particular position, while an explanatory essay seeks to inform or clarify a topic.

Related questions

How is a persuasive thesis statement different from an explanatory thesis?

A persuasive thesis statement contains the author's opinion on a topic, whereas an explanatory thesis statement does not.

How is a persuasive thesis statement different from an explanatory thesis statement?

A persuasive thesis statement aims to convince the reader of a specific viewpoint or argument, presenting a clear stance that the writer will defend throughout the essay. In contrast, an explanatory thesis statement simply explains a topic or issue without taking a side or making an argument. The persuasive thesis statement typically includes a call to action or a proposed solution, whereas the explanatory thesis statement mainly provides information.

How is a persuasive statement different from an explanatory thesis different?

A persuasive thesis statement contains the author's opinion on a topic, whereas an explanatory thesis statement does not.

How is a persuasive thesis statement diffeerent from an explanatory thesis statement?

A persuasive thesis statement aims to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or argument, while an explanatory thesis statement seeks to explain a topic or issue. The persuasive thesis will typically include a clear assertion and provide reasons to support it, whereas the explanatory thesis will focus on informing the reader about the topic without necessarily taking a stance.

What kind of paragraph explains a process or states a opinion?

explanatory this kind of essay would be labeled as explanatory. Most likely this kind of paragraph would start off with a thesis, then an explanation to that thesis or a well written reason why that thesis is relevant to the topic.

Which of these elements should be included in the introductory paragraph of any explanatory essay?

The hook and the thesis statement

What kind of paragraph explains a processes or states an opinion?

explanatory this kind of essay would be labeled as explanatory. Most likely this kind of paragraph would start off with a thesis, then an explanation to that thesis or a well written reason why that thesis is relevant to the topic.

Which of these statements describes an argumentative essay but not an explanatory essay?

Answer this question… The writer tries to persuade others to agree with him or her.

What does an explanatory thesis statement do?

An explanatory thesis statement explains a specific topic or concept to the reader. It provides a clear explanation of the main idea and helps the reader understand the subject being discussed.

What does explanatory thesis statement do?

Signals that the essay will tell why something is a certain way

The main difference between an argumentative essay and an explanatory essay is that an argumentative essay?

Answer this question… is created to convince others to accept the author's point of view.

What does an explanatory thesis statement tell the reader?

An explanatory thesis statement tells the reader what the topic of the paper is and how it will be explored. It provides a clear explanation or interpretation of the topic, guiding the reader on what to expect in the rest of the essay.