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Imputed Tax is on imputed income...say like a taxable employee benefit (say your employer giving you a car). The value of the benefit is included in taxable income that withholding and such is determined your estimated payments are made on it...and it is included in the taxable income on your W-2, so the tax you calculate on your retur includes it as well.

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Q: How does an employee pay imputed income taxes?
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Does an employee pay Federal Income taxes on imputed income?

On certain (most) types of imputed income...imputed income just being a term for non cash compensation....say a car benefit or over a certain amount of life insurance provided as part of your employment.....etc. FICA and other payroll taxes may or may not follow the same rules considering it a income, but generally do.

How does a Company pay taxes on imputed income?

I believe you might have your understanding of the phrases confused. "Imputed income" is considered to be income you COULD have made doing a certain job REGARDLESS of the amount you reported to the authorities. A corporation does not have to pay taxes on "imputed" income, they only pay withholding tax on the wages they ACTUALLY pay you. ON THE OTHER HAND; if the corporation was PURPOSELY under-paying your withholding tax they could be liable under the tax laws for criminal penalties.

Employee responsibility to pay taxes on imputed income for educational reimbersment?

Ir it is reimbursed, it isn't imputed. Its a tax on afringe benefit, like getting a car or a house or such. Under certain qualified reimbursement programs with employers, up to @$5000 a year can be provided by an employer tax free to the employee, for qualifying eductaional expenses (not just anything).

How can you find out why imputed income is coming out your pay?

Imputed income is income that is the result of you providing services to yourself, such as owning a home rather than paying rent to another person. It is not normally a payroll deduction. In some cases you can be taxed on imputed income, and that might result in a payroll deduction. The best way to find out why imputed income is coming out of your pay is to ask the person who prepares the payroll about it.

Do you have to pay tax on life insurance when retire?

If your employer provides more than $50,000 in life insurance coverage for you, you will have to pay tax on what is called "imputed income" from the policies. Even after you retire, your employer will continue to send you a W-2 for the imputed income and showing the amount of uncollected Social Security and Medicare taxes you owe.

Is imputed benefit income taxable?

Yes, imputed benefit income is subject to federal taxation. It is considered Taxable noncash compensation but is not included in gross pay.

Does an employee who is currently receiving social security income and is also employed have to pay social security taxes on his new income?


Disadvantages of payroll?

The biggest disadvantage of a payroll system is that the employees will have to pay taxes on the income. The company will have to send the employee a tax document for the year so that the employee can accurately file their taxes.

What Is imputed tax?

Imputed tax is when something is assigned a certain value. Other items are used to establish this value and then you pay taxes based on that value.

What are withholdings?

Withholdings are funds that are deducted from an employees paycheck for taxes as well as for payment of benefits that the employee is responsible to pay. As far as withholdings of taxes, there is the employee share of Social Security and Medicare Taxes as well as the withholding of federal, state, and local income taxes. The withholdings are not payment of the income taxes but a payment toward whatever their income taxes might be. The employee will file a tax return after the end of the calendar year at which time the years withholdings will be prepayment of the tax owed on the return. If the withholdings are more that the tax is then the taxpayer will receive a refund but if the withholdings for income tax are not enough then there will be a balance due from the taxpayer that they have to pay.

Which countries don't pay income taxes?

Monaco doesn't pay income taxes

Will you pay taxes on your pension?

Yes could have to pay some income taxes on your pension income.