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An xray is almost always used to determine if any vertebrae have been damaged in the accident. However, because many of the injuries are to soft tissues, they are not well visualized using a standard x ray.

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Q: How does an xray diagnose whiplash?
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How is whiplash diagnosed?

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Does a radiographer diagnose a problem or condition?

A radiographer takes an Xray picture, a Radiologist is the doctor who reads the Xray and gives the report

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What does radiology do?

Radiology is a part of medicine that uses radiation and or xray to treat and diagnose diseases.

What does radiology?

Radiology is a part of medicine that uses radiation and or xray to treat and diagnose diseases.

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An electromyogram (EMG) may also be used to determine the health of nerves and muscles using electrical impulses.

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X rays can determine bone density and reveal gastrointestinal disturbances, and heart and lung damage.

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A myelogram combines x rays with an injection of dye into the spinal canal and allows for detailed visualization of the spinal canal and nerve roots.

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To educate the patient on proper oral home care. To diagnose with aids of xray and visual inspection and offer to treat dental disease.

What constitutes a whiplash compensation claim?

A whiplash Compensation claim is all down to how serious the whiplash is (this is how it affects the neck and back), who's fault the whiplash is. And also if the person has a job which the whiplash may affect.

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When was Whiplash - comics - created?

Whiplash - comics - was created in 1990.