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She spent her time studying and hanging with peter.

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Anne spends her time in the secret annex by writing in her diary, reading books, studying, and helping with household chores. She also spends time talking and interacting with the other residents of the annex.

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13y ago

by living in a horrible life and quite

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Q: How does anne spend her time in the secret annex?
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When was anne franks secret annex built?

Anne Frank's secret annex was built in 1739 as an extension to the existing building in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Anne and her family went into hiding there in 1942 during the Nazi occupation.

What time does the day in the secret Annex begin from Anne frank?

The day in the secret Annex for Anne Frank typically began around 6:45 AM. This was the time for morning activities like washing up and dressing before breakfast.

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Anne Frank gave her mother a poem for Hanukkah in the secret annex. It was a heartfelt gift expressing her love and gratitude for her mother.

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The newest inhabitant of the secret annex is Mr. Dussel, a dentist who joins the hiding place later on. He shares a room with Anne and their relationship is strained due to disagreements and tensions in the close quarters of the annex, adding to Anne's stress and frustration during their time in hiding.

How many people were in the secret annex with ann frank and did t change at any time?

Eight people were in the secret annex with Anne Frank: Anne's family (Otto Frank, Edith Frank, and Margot Frank), the van Pels family (Hermann, Auguste, and Peter van Pels), and Fritz Pfeffer. The number of people in the annex did not change throughout their time in hiding.

What role did the people in the Secret Annex play in the budding relationship between Anne and Peter?

The people in the Secret Annex, including Anne and Peter, played a supportive role in fostering their budding relationship. They provided privacy and understanding, allowing Anne and Peter to get to know each other better. Anne's diary reveals that their interactions were a source of comfort and companionship during their time in hiding.

Was anne frank in the secret annex the whole time during the war?

Well, she is there for two years. She gets discovered. She goes to a concentration camp, then dies.

How did anne see her new home?

Anne saw her new home, the secret annex, as a place of confinement initially. She expressed feelings of frustration and confinement due to the close quarters and lack of freedom. Over time, she found solace in writing and personal growth within the annex.

What did Anne Frank liked to do?

Anne like to write, play ping-pong and play with her cat, Moortje. She also like spending time with her dad in his business also she like riding her bike

What are the first wishes of those in the secret annex when they are able to leave?

According to The Diary of Anne Frank, Anne's sister Margot's first wish for when she was able to leave the secret annex was to return to school again as soon as possible. Essentially, Margot wanted a normal life as a normal girl.

Where did Anne Frank and Peter Vandann meet in the evenings?

Anne Frank and Peter Van Daan met in the attic of the Secret Annex where they were hiding from the Nazis during World War II. They would often spend time there in the evenings talking and sharing their thoughts and feelings with each other.