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Q: How does bernoulli's principle apply to a helicopter?
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Bernoullis principle

Bernoullis principle what characteristic of a moving fluid determines its pressure?

the correct answer is speed!

What uses Bernoullis principle?

Pitot tube on a plane to measure airspeed.

What is the rule that states that as the speed of a moving fluid increases the pressure within the fluid decreases?

Bernoulli's Principle

Bernoullis principle states that the faster a fluid moves the less pressure the fluid exerts?

Yes. A+

What is the working principle of helicopter?

Spinning wings create lift to make helicopter fly.

Bernoullis principle about air velocity and pressure?

velocity and pressure have inverse relation. when velocity increases then pressure at that point decrease and vice versa.

Was a helicopter invented on 400AD?

In 400 AD there was a toy with the principle and shape of a helicopter. It was not a real helicopter. It was only a toy. The first manned flight was in 1906.

How do you get helicopter technician job in gulf countries?

You apply to many helicopter operating companies.

How does air act like a fluid as it has speed?

because it flows from cold to warm areas and around solid objects. Which is what bernoullis principle is based on. the basis of flight..

Why Bernoulli's Principle makes an helicopter fly?

A helicopter uses Benoullis principle in the exact same way as an airplane does. A helicopter has a wing just like an airplane's wing. The major difference being that instead of pushing the wing forward through the air, a helicopter swings the wings around above its head.

He drew the first principle and mechanics of a helicopter?

Leonardo da vinci