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artery- vein- capillary

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Q: How does blood flow from the heart through the blood vessels?
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What cause the blood to flow through the blood vessels?

The heart is a pump and move blood through the blood vessels.

To get to the heart what does blood flow through?

Blood flows through veins to get to the heart. Arteries are blood vessels for the blood to leave the heart once it has been oxygenated.

Choose the correct answer.What causes blood to flow through the heart?

the blood vessels

Which type of blood vessels flow contaminated blood to the heart?

the type of blood vessels which flow contaminated blood to the heart are known as VEINS

What is the direction of blood flow in veins?

Blood vessels contract slightly to help the flow of blood As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels, called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the body.

How does the blood flow from the heart to the lungs?

by blood vessels

What the cause for theblood to flow through the blood vessels?

Blood doesn't flow through blood vessels, there are blood vessels in your blood known as red blood cells and white blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen and the white help fight diseases.Your blood flows through a system of artries and viens.

What does circulatory system control?

The blood flow distributed through you heart, veins, vessels, and arteries.

Which type blood vessels does the blood flow to the heart in?


Which type of blood vessels does the blood flow to the heart in.?


Which type of blood vessels does the blood flow to the heart in?


How does your pulse beat?

When the heart beats it causes blood to flow through the blood vessels which causes them to expand. This expansion can be felt by touching the vessels that are close to the skin.