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Q: How does brachial nerve damage cause very itchy skin on the arms and neck?
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Can shoulder impingement cause ulnar nerve damage?

Sure. The ulnar nerve begins at the brachial plexus ... which is in your arm-pit.

What is the cause of itchy heels?

Itchy heels can be a symptom of a variety of diseases such as diabetes, eczema, peripheral nerve damage, athlete's foot, dermatitis, or a reaction to medication.

Can you die from being punched in the armpit?

The brachial artery runs right through the armpit so being punched there could cause nerve damage or internal bleeding.

The median nerve is a member of which nerve plexus?

Median Nerve belongs to Brachial Plexus.

Which brachial plexus nerve is responsible for carpal tunnel syndrome?

The median nerve that passes through the carpel tunnel is the nerve that is effected to cause carpel tunnel syndrome.

Lap Band fill cause Vagus nerve damage?

The vagus nerve is located in the arm of a human. The lap band fill procedure can cause nerve damage to this nerve.

What is the medical meaning of brachial?

Pertaining or belonging to the arm; as, the brachial artery; the brachial nerve., Of the nature of an arm; resembling an arm.

What nerve are in brachial plexus?

The first thoracic nerve roots are in the brachial plexus. The nerves pass through the neck, the armpit area, and then into the arm.

Can mononucleosis cause permanent nerve damage?

Yes, it can, I've suffered from mono and have permanant nerve damage in my neck.

Which nerve plexuses serve the shoulder and arm?

brachial :)

What nerve serves as the cat's forearm flexors?

The brachial plexus is the muscle that allows a cat to flex its forelimbs. The avulsion of the brachial plexus can pertains to the stretching or tearing of the nerve.

What is the function of the axillary nerve?

axillary nerve or known as circumflex nerve is a nerve of the human body that comes off the brachial plexus. Brachial plexus is responsible for cutaneous and muscular innervation of the entire upper limb-Drave 10