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By interpreting the signals coming from our ears and comparing that to earlier experiences.

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Q: How does brain distinguish between high-pitched from low-pitched sounds?
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How does alcohol affect the ears?

alcohol diminishes the ability to distinguish between sounds and perceive their directions.

How can I distinguish between these two sounds COME FOR ME and COMFORT ME?

The T in comfort is the big give away. Context is a big clue as well.

How do dogs distinguish between people and other dogs?

By their keen sense of smell. Answer: Also, by the shape and size of someone and what their voice sounds like.

How does the brain distinguish between low-pitch and high-pitch sounds?

Vibrate the distal part of the organ of Corti more than the proximal part

What is the minimum time interval between 2 sounds for the Human ear to distinguish them?

Humans can normally hear from 20-20,000 Hz.

What are sounds in free variation?

it the secuence in which a speaker can distinguish a word to another very seem..

Why did Michael Jackson use different sounds in his songs?

to distinguish the song and make it more interesting.

Starting at about months children lose the ability to distinguish sounds that are not part of the household language.?


Do you agree that phonology can be studied without phonetics?

No, I do not. Phonetics describes the specific sounds made by human languages. Linguistics then takes these sounds and phonetic data to add the dimension of meaning to language through phonology. Phonology describes how sounds are used and organized in a particular language. You cannot organize and distinguish between sounds and words without first having the phonetic data of each sound.

How far can cats hear?

Cats have very good hearing. They can easily distinguish sounds that are one to two yards away and have the ability to hear high pitched sounds.

Why do most people say Happy 4th of July instead of Happy Independence Day?

Multiple reasons; it comes out of the mouth smother, to distinguish between other countries' Independence Days, and it sounds more American.

Starting at about _____ months, children lose the ability to distinguish sounds that are not part of the household language?

12 months. Apex