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Q: How does butterfly life cycle similar to humans life cycle?
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Related questions

What is meant by he life cycle of the butterfly?

The life cycle of a butterfly is from the egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly, mating, egg-laying, and so the cycle goes on.

How is cell division similar to your life cycle?

Cell division is similar to your life cycle because you are made of up cells and cells reproduce which humans reproduce. That is how cell division is related to your life cycle.

When does metamorphosis occur in the life cycle of a butterfly?

metamorphosis is occured in the life cycle of a butterfly in the part of the pupa

What is a butterfly egg?

it is the beginning of the butterfly life cycle

Is butterfly a egg?

it is the beginning of the butterfly life cycle

What is the difference between a cockroach and butterfly?

the butterfly is a four-staged life cycle while the cockroach is a three-staged life cycle

Does a butterfly have a life cycle?

1 life cycle that has 4 stages.

How does the life cycle of a star compare to the life cycle of a human?

Stars go through stages like birth, main sequence, red giant, and death, which can last millions or billions of years. In comparison, humans have a much shorter life cycle, typically living for decades. Both stars and humans undergo changes over time and eventually cease to exist.

What is the life cycle for a butterfly?

from egg to caterpillar to cucoon to butterfly

What are facts about the Riodinid Butterfly?

the life cycle of the riodinid butterfly

How is a bear's life cycle different from a butterfly's life cycle?

butterflies do not hybernate

What is the life cycle of the butterflies?

the life cycle is,egg, catapiller,cucoone to butterfly.