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Camouflage prevents hunters from seeing them. A pattern that allows them to hide on a tree when insect eaters are hunting for food will help them survive. A dull pattern (instead of bright colours) allows them to blend onto various surfaces.

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Q: How does camouflage help with the survival of moth?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages in using camouflage as a survival strategy?

Camouflage helps organisms hide from your predators by blending in with its environment like a moth or lizard and its disadvantage is if environment change it will be hard to survive if it can't change (adapt) with the environment

How does the moth protects it self from its enemies?

the moth uses camouflage to hide from preditors

How does camouflage help in tiger's survival?

they could camouflage in the grass patch to get near their prey and not get spotted by them so the tiger can find a suitable time to strike

How do camouflage and protective coloration adaptations affect an organisms survival and reproduction?

Camouflage and protective coloring adaptations improve an organism's chances of survival and reproduction.

How does camouflage help with the survival of stick insect?

A stick insect is camouflaged by colour and shape to look like a twig when stationary on the branches of a bush.

How does a Luna Moth camouflage?

their green wings make it easy to blend in with the leaves on trees.

What do we call the survival mechanism in which an animal blends in with its surroundings?


What is an animal copying another animal for survival?

camouflage or mimicry

How does camouflage help in the tiger's survival?

The stripes on a tiger's coat mimics the dappled sunlight found in the jungle, and helps the tiger to stalk closer to their prey.

What does animal do to survive?

Different animals have different survival instincts that help them to survive in the wild. Some animals have the ability to camouflage themselves and hide from predators.

Which moth would survive if the pollution increases?

The darker moth would be triumphant over the lighter moth due to its ability to camouflage with the pollution, which is most likely dark and gloomy. This is called natural selection.