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Q: How does cardiogram show the relationship among organisms?
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A cladogram is used!

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A graphical representation in the shape of a pyramid to show the feeding relationship of groups of organisms

Why the homologous structures are evidence of evolutionary relationship?

They show similarities between organisms structure. if the similarities are large then it shows that those organisms share a common ancestor.

What type of pattern will electro-cardiogram show for sudden cardiac arrest?

In sudden cardiac arrest elctro-cardiogram will show two types of patterns. One is straight line indicating that heart is stopped. Second is small vibration like pattern indicating ventricular fibrillation. You have to give intracardiac adrenaline in first and direct current shock in second.

What does a cardiogram show?

The cardiogram shows a heartbeat pattern that can be used to determine heart disorder. It is a also record of cardiovascular muscle activity (heart pumping action over a period of time). There are two spikes in a normal cardiogram. The electrical activity of the heart makes graphs of the conductivity. A trained doctor can interpret the patterns of the graphs and diagnose diorders of the heart.

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venn diagram

How would you distinguish a large colonial organism from a multicellular organisms?

Multicellular organisms are organisms with more than one cell, the cells of which are usually specialized. A large colonial organism is an organism of many cells that are loosely attached to each other and that show little or no specialization among themselves. Multicellular organisms are capable of surviving on their own while colonial organisms are not.

Is it true that DNA technology used in the Human Genome Project can show whether people are related?

Yes it will reveal the relationship among individuals in the days to come.

What if you are in a relationship on Facebook but the person you are In relationship with does not how do you show you are in a relationship?

you punch them.