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It gives shape and structure, and also protects from external dangers.

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Q: How does cell wall contribute to the success of prokaryotes?
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What does the cell wall in prokaryotes do?

The cell wall in prokaryotes provide structure and support to the cell. The cell wall also serves as an anchor for the flagella.

Do prokaryotes have a cell wall?

Yes they do.

Does a prokaryotic cell contain a cell wall?

in general, prokaryotes do have a cell wall. e.g most bacteria

Do prokayotes have a cell wall?

Yes, prokaryotes have a cell wall as well as a cell membrane.

Is a cell wall a organelles?

Yes but only some Prokaryotes have a cell wall and plant cells(Eukaryotes) have a plant cell. There are some animals that have a cell wall.

You will not find a cell wall in which of these kind of organisms?

You won't find a cell wall in animal organisms. In animals, there only exists a cell membrane. Cells are usually microscopic.

What type of cells have a cell wall?

Plants contain a cell wall ,but animal cells do not.

What am I. This group of pathogens are always single-celled and don't have a cell wall?


What bacterial cell contains no nucleus?

There are very few species of bacteria that have no cell wall. In most cases, bacteria will have a cell wall that is made from peptidoglycan.

Is a cell wall part of a prokartotic or a eukaryotic cell?

All prokaryotic cells (prokaryotes) have a cell wall. However, cell walls are not exclusive to prokaryotes. Some eukaryotes also have cell walls. Plants and fungi are eukaryotes which have cell walls made of cellulose and chitin, respectively. Not all eukaryotes have cell walls though (animals do not).

Which is one of the most important differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Almost all prokaryotes posess cell wall but lack some cell organelles whereas eukaryotes posess all cell organelles but lack cell wall except plants(eukaryote)

What is a good analogy for a eukaryote cell?

A prokaryote is a kingdom but it fits into into the Monera kingdom. Prokaryotes are molecules surrounded by membrane and cell wall.