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Q: How does changing the shape of an object affect the friction and air resistance?
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How does air resistance affect the acceleration of a falling object-How does air resistance affect the acceleration of a falling object?

It reduces the acceleration of the falling object due to friction.

Will the speed of the object affect the amount of friction between object and the surface?

No. The speed of the object does not affect the amount of friction between an object and the surface. Friction is affected by the types of surfaces in contact, smoother surfaces produce less friction, and the weight of the object moving horizontally affects the resistance relative to the two surfaces in contact. Greater weight causes greater resistance.

How air resistance affect the acceleration of falling objects?

Air resistance causes friction and slows an object.

Factors affecting movement?

Three factors that affect movement are friction, wind resistance, and velocity. Friction is the resistance that a single object encounters when moving over another object. Velocity is speed, and wind resistance is the opposing force on an object.

How does air resistance affect the acceleration of a falling abject?

Air resistance creates friction and slows a falling object.

How do different weights affect friction?

Friction is a resistance force imparted on an object sliding across a surface where the force is directly proportional to the WEIGHT of the object. The heavier the object that is moving across the surface the higher the frictional forces.

Two forces that affect a falling object?

Gravity is one, and I believe that friction is the other. Friction here being caused by the resistance to motion of the fluid the object is falling in. Generally this is termed air resistance or drag and it is related to the object's velocity and cross section as well as the fluid's viscosity.

How might friction affect an object from outer space entering your atmosphere?

Friction slows objects down, changing kinetic energy into thermal energy. Usually an object from outer space will be travelling very, very fast as it enters the atmosphere and the friction (from the air resistance) will slow it down a lot. This energy is converted to heat, which is why objects can burn up in the atmosphere.

How does air resistance affect how fast things fall?

Air resistance is basically friction between the object on the air- it has to push the air out of the way, and slows down.

What 3 factors affect the amount of air resistance on an object?

Speed, shape and frontal cross-section. Viscosity, texture, friction, gravity, velocity, size, and shape can all affect air resistance.

What 3 factors affect the amount of air resistance acting on an object?

Speed, shape and frontal cross-section. Viscosity, texture, friction, gravity, velocity, size, and shape can all affect air resistance.

What is meant by friction?

A resistance that acts when an object moves.